

The Study of Chinese Glyph Description Technique

【作者】 韩东妹

【导师】 林民;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着Internet的发展和普及,越来越多的网络版汉语工具书在网络上为汉语学习者提供查询服务。这些网络版工具书经常要显示汉字的笔顺和各种汉字部件(包括偏旁、部首),由于汉字数量很大,目前的计算机标准汉字字符集中既没有把汉字基本部件字形全部包括进来,也没有把每个汉字的笔画分解形式包括进来。在浏览器中显示汉字笔顺和各种部件时,往往采用Flash动画或图片方式来实现。采用Flash动画来演示汉字的动态书写过程,是一种较好的表现汉字笔顺的方式,但制作Flash动画的工作量巨大,而且这些Flash动画往往只能以一种固定的方式来显示。因而它不是一种好的解决办法。本文通过研究汉字字形描述和字形绘制技术,开发一个能在网络上自动绘制汉字笔顺和汉字部件的软件。给用户提供一个方便的查询、显示汉字笔顺、部件的方法。首先,文中介绍了GDI+技术和它的新特色。利用GDI+的路径技术和汉字楷体GB2312、仿宋两个TrueType字库的特征(以笔画为单位来描述每个汉字的字形的,即一个封闭图形对应一个笔画轮廓),把一个汉字的笔画轮廓信息添加到一个GDI+的路径中。路径对象相当于一个汉字,路径可以包含许多子路径,子路径相当于一个笔画。通过对路径和子路径的控制最终完成汉字笔画的绘制。其次,本文介绍了COM组件技术。为了实现程序共享,构造一个能在网络环境中调用的组件是一个很好的方法。应用此组件只需要在服务器端注册并进行必要的配置就可以使用,组件对客户来说是透明的。组件将用户需要用到的功能以接口形式提供,而把具体的功能包含在组件内部。根据需要设计了一个接口,三个基本函数的功能分别是显示汉字笔顺、修改汉字笔顺和显示汉字部件。最后,由于楷体GB2312、仿宋字库中保存的笔画并没有完全按照汉字笔顺序列存储,需要以交互方式调整笔画数据。系统中使用ACCESS数据库来存储调整信息。文中对使用ADO数据对象访问数据库的有关技术进行了必要的叙述。综上所述,本文对目前计算机采用的主要汉字字形描述技术进行了分析和研究,设计实现了汉字笔画、部件自动查询、绘制系统,并对系统开发过程中遇到的相关技术问题及解决方案进行了详细说明,最后给出了进一步工作的展望。

【Abstract】 Along with the development and popularization of Internet, moreand more Chinese language online tools provide querying services tolearners of the Chinese. These network’s book, often indicate the order ofstrokes of Chinese characters and various components (including theradicals) of Chinese characters. Due to the number of Chinese charactersis large. At present, the set of Chinese Standard Characters neither includeall the basic components and glyph nor each of the decomposition ofstrokes of Chinese characters. Flash animation or photographs are oftenused to display strokes and the various components in the browser. Flashanimation display the process of writing Chinese characters in dynamicprocess, it’s a good way to perform the order of writing Chinesecharacters. However, the production of flash animation is a hugeworkload. Flash animation can only display the strokes in the fixed way.It was not a good solution.This paper studies the Chinese character glyph describing techniqueand glyph drawing technique; develop software that can draw the order ofstroke of Chinese character. This software provides users a convenientmethod to find the right order of strokes of Chinese characters anddisplay arbitrary parts of Chinese character.First, this paper introduces the GDI+ technology and its newfeatures. Basing on GDI+ Path technology and the feature of two Fonttypes (Fang song and Kai, these two fonts describe the strokes of eachChinese character for the glyph. A stroke is a closed contour graphs), theinformation of strokes of Chinese characters be added to a contour path toGDI+. One Chinese character equivalent to a Path Object, one path can contain many sub-path equivalents to a stroke. By the control of Path andsub-path, complete the drawing of strokes of Chinese character.Secondly, this paper introduces the COM technology. In order tosharing the software, COM is a very good idea. We only need to registerthe Component and configure the server. The Component is transparent tothe customer. Component interface used to satisfy users needs, and thespecific functions contained in the internal components. According to theneeds, we designed one interface, including three basic functions; theywere displaying the order of strokes of Chinese characters, modifyingorder of strokes of Chinese characters, and displaying Chinese characterscomponents.Finally, because the Font types: Fang song and Kai strokes failed topreserve the sequence order of strokes of Chinese characters, and we canadjust the order of strokes basing the requiring. In the software we useAccess database to keeping adjustments information. This paperdescribed ADO data access technology.Thus, purposely and experimentally this paper studies the Chineseglyph description technique, the study summarize the problems that existin the development process and prospects further work.

【关键词】 笔顺路径组件ADO
【Key words】 the order of strokesPathComponentADO
  • 【分类号】TP391.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】157