

The Social Response of the Incident of Feng Yuxiang Expelling Puyi from the Forbidden City

【作者】 范泽刚

【导师】 刘贵福;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 1924年,冯玉祥发动北京政变,进而驱逐溥仪出宫,废除“优待条件”。这一事件,在社会上产生了强烈反响,社会上一些主要派别对此毁誉不一,通过这些不同的评价,又可以看出各派对民主共和的不同认识。一、自由派知识分子对冯玉祥此举评价不一。周作人、钱玄同、王世杰、周鲠生、李书华、李宗侗均表示赞同,认为冯玉祥此举是合情合理的行为。同时周作人与钱玄同又有着借探讨问题之机对国民进行思想启蒙的深层思想动因;胡适则称冯玉祥以“横暴手段”驱逐溥仪的举动是“民国史上的一件最不名誉的事”,更注重从法理层面探讨问题,体现了其对建立法治国家、维护民主权利的要求。二、孙中山为代表的南方革命势力赞成冯玉祥此举,对逊清皇室问题的所持立场始终如一,但态度有所变化,由丁巳复辟时期的激愤而转为溥仪出宫事件时的平淡。这一态度的变化体现了孙中山政治思想的转变,表明孙中山对民主共和有了更深层的认识。三、北洋军阀集团的代表人物冯、段、张均明确了各自的态度,并将此次事件与各自的政治目的联系在一起。他们均将溥仪出宫事件视为有一定利用价值的边缘性政治问题。而真正关切的是战后势力范围的划分以及政治权利的分配。四、保皇派以保皇为号召,虽同为保皇,但出发点与归宿却迥然不同。王公及遗老旧臣基于各种复杂关系而形成不同的派别,围绕在溥仪周围献计献策,最终目的却均是企图复辟帝制;康有为斥责冯玉祥之举,要求恢复“优待条件”及溥仪复号还宫,再现了其特定时期的保皇理论,体现了其立宪救国的政治主张。将各派对此事件的态度置于复杂的社会背景之中,通过比较分析,揭示各派对民主共和政体的认识实质,进而阐明在此种状态下当时中国社会民主共和道路的曲折性。

【Abstract】 In 1924, Feng Yuxiang launched the coup of Beijing, and then expelling Puyi from the forbidden city, abolished "The Munificent Treatment Condition ". This incident, had produced the strong response in the society, Some main groups had different attitude toward this incident, analyzing these different appraisal in the society,we can find out different understanding of the democratic republicanism of different groups.First.There were different opinions among the intellectuals of the Freedom group in appraising the incident caused by Feng yuxiang. Zhou zuoren, Qian xuantong, Wang shijie,zhou gengsheng, Lishuhua, Li zongtong agreed with it, they thought it was a reasonable behavior.and . meanwhile Zhou Zuoren and Qian Xuantong took the opportunity of teaching people their own deep thought in discussing it.Hu shi claimed that the incident of Feng yuxiang’sexpelling Puyi with”perverse and violent means ",is”a most disreputable thing in the history of the Republic of China.He paid attention to discussing it from the aspect of legal principle, which reflected his request of setting up the country ruled by law and safeguarding democratic right.Second,As the representative of the South revolutionists, Sun Yat-sen agreed with it.It was clear that Sun held the opinion in royal problem from beginning to end, but his attitude was changed, to some extent, from anger in the period of recycle in 1917 to dullness in the incident . The change of this attitude reflected the transition of Sun Yat-sen’s political ideology, which indicated that Sun Yat-sen had deeper understanding of the democratic republicanism.Third, the representatives of Northern Warlords Feng, Duan and zhang defined their own attitudes, which associated this incident with their own political purposes. They regarded the incident as valuable edge political problem..Four, Royalists regarded royalism as a call. Although they were all royalists, but they had different starting point and goal. The member of royal and the ministers form different group based on complicated relations, which gave suggestions to Puyi in order to attempt to restore autocratic monarchy. Kang youwei reprimanded Feng yuxiang’s action , require recovering " special treatments " and welcomed Puyi to the palace, which expressed his particular royalism theory and reflected the political opinion of saving the nation through constitutionalism.Putting different groups’attitude toward this incident in complicated social background,. It announced every groups’understanding the essence of democratic republicanism, and then expounded the twists of the road of the social democratic republicanism of China at that time under this state through comparative analysis.

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