

Participation in Sports Fitness for People with Physical Disabilities in LiShui Area

【作者】 丁震一

【导师】 金晓峰;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过调查丽水地区肢体残疾人参与体育健身的现状及趋势,了解影响肢体残疾人员参与体育健身的社会因素。研究方法:对丽水地区部分县市1000位肢体残疾人员进行问卷调查,问卷的内容包括个人基本资料、健康状况数据、体育健身的参与等三个部分,资料收集后经信度、效度检验,以数理统计的方法加以分析,然后以性别、婚姻及受教育程度分别来探讨在体育健身参与时的时间、频率、原因、参与时所遭遇的障碍和困难等关系。结果表明:有24.1%肢体残疾者有参与体育健身的习惯,其中男、女不同性别参与的比例约为3:1,性别和婚姻在每次参加体育健身时间和认为每次参加体育健身多少时间才足够中,无显著性差异;婚姻与参与体育健身时所遇到的困难及障碍的关系上,具有显著性差异;在健身项目中,发现未婚者对已婚者有显著性差异存在,在参与的原因中,以健康因素占最大;在参与健身运动的障碍中,以身体因素及经费为最大障碍,其次是训练场地和运动技巧;在不能参加体育健身的原因中,专用训练场地影响最多,其次是经费和指导教练;不同的受教育结果在体育健身的参与时没太多差异。主要结论:肢体残疾者因身体的残缺,更应参与体育健身,但在社会化的过程当中,不同的社会因素会导致不同的社会化结果,因此决策者不但要鼓励肢体残疾者参与体育健身,而且要有系统地小心加以区分,以达到推广的目的。

【Abstract】 This article through investigates LiShui area physical disabled person to participate in the sports fitness the present situation and the tendency, understood the influence physical disability personnel participates in the sports fitness the social factor. Research technique: Carries on the questionnaire survey to the LiShui area partial county city 1000 physical disability personnel, The questionnaire content including individual basic document, the state of health data, the sports fitness participation and so on three parts, after the acquisition of information after the letter, the validity examination analyzes by the mathematical statistic method, relations and so on barrier and difficulty which then respectively by the sex, the marriage and is discussed the education level distinction when the sports fitness participation the time, the frequency, the reason, participation for the first time encounters. The result indicated that, Some 24.1% physical disability has the participation sports fitness custom, male, the female do not participation the proportion is approximately 3:1; In the participation reason, occupies in a big way by the healthy factor; In participates in the leisure movement for the first time in the barrier, take the bodily factor and the funds as the biggest barrier, next is trains the location and the movement skill; In cannot participate in the sports fitness in the reason, the special-purpose training location influence are most, next is the funds and instructs coach; Different educates the result when the sports fitness participation not too many differences. Main conclusion: The physical disability because of bodily incomplete, should participate in the sports fitness, but in the middle of the socialized process, the different social factor can cause the different socialized result, not only therefore the policy-maker wants to encourage the physical disability participation sports fitness, moreover must have was careful systematically differentiates, achieves promoted the goal.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 03期
  • 【分类号】G812.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】185