

Thoughts on Construction of Civil Legal System on Spouse Rights in China

【作者】 吴嵘

【导师】 史浩明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 配偶权是合法夫妻所享有的一项基本身份权。虽然我国婚姻法中有一些规定涉及到了配偶权的某些具体内容,但配偶权作为一个法律概念尚未得到我国法律的确认。由于缺乏法律的指引,人们对配偶权的认识非常模糊。当配偶权遭到侵害时,要么根本不知道权利受到侵害,要么无法寻求有效的法律救济。本文分四个部分展开论述。第一部分从配偶权的历史演变入手,综合关于配偶权的各种学说和观点,对配偶权的概念、特征和具体内容提出了自己的主张。第二部分以婚姻法修订前和修订后的两个案例导出探讨我国配偶权立法的现实意义,对否定配偶权立法的观点和理由进行了批驳,重点分析了我国目前配偶权立法的现状及缺陷。第三部分是本文研究的重点,通过借鉴国外及区际立法关于配偶权的具体规定,提出构建我国配偶权权利体系的具体建议。第四部分论述配偶权的法律保护问题。

【Abstract】 Spouse rights are prime status rights which legitimate couples are entitled to. Though some provisions in Marriage Law of China involve some concrete contents of spouse rights, as a legal concept, it hasn’t been identified in the Chinese laws. Due to lack of instructions from the law, the spouse rights are very unclear to people. When the rights are infringed, they often either don’t realize the infringement at all, or are not able to resort to effective legal relief.This article consists of four chapters. The first chapter begins with the evolving history of spouse rights, and with a sum-up of all kinds of theories, it puts forward viewpoints on the concept, features and contents of spouse rights. In the second chapter, it demonstrates the practical significance of exploring the legislation on spouse rights through two cases, refutes the opponent’s argument, and emphatically analyses current situation and defects of the law. The third chapter is the key of the article. In this chapter, suggestions on constructing the spouse rights system are brought forward by using ideas from overseas laws for reference. In the forth chapter, it discusses legal protection of spouse rights.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 04期
  • 【分类号】D923.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】311