

Research on Chinese Teaching Material (Published by Han Lin) in Taiwan Primary School in the New Century

【作者】 金磊

【导师】 吴忠豪;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 教学过程中占有重要地位的教材应当引起高度重视。对教材进行理论与实证研究,有利于我国的教材建设。教材落实于各门学科之中,而语文是中小学的一门主课,语文教学又是各科教学的基础,研究语文教材很有必要。新时期语文教学改革,在诸多基本理念上发生了许多变化。国家教育部于2001年颁布《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》,标志着中国大陆新一轮课程改革进入到一个新的阶段。台湾地区也于1999年公布了九年一贯的课程纲要,确定基础教育课程改革的方向;2000年又颁布了语文领域的课程纲要,从2001年开始逐年实施九年一贯教育,语文课程与教学改革不断发展并逐渐成熟。九年一贯课程改革以基本能力指标来规范孩子的学习,大大地松绑了教学的缰绳,提升了教师专业。由于地域原因和政治上的长期隔阂,目前大陆地区对台湾小学国语课程和国语教材方面的全面研究非常有限,即使有少量的研究,大多也是限于概况式宏观的评价,而对台湾国语教材编写特点、框架体系、教材选文、练习系统、整体编排、呈现方式等方面整体研究,以及通过教材来透视台湾国语教育中的课程理念、教学思想的研究,几乎是一个空白。因此就生成了笔者对台湾国语教材进行全面研究的冲动。汉语是中华民族的母语,大陆、台湾同宗共源,两地的语文课程具有诸多的共性。在大陆与台湾两地同步进行课程改革的背景下,笔者选取了台湾最新版本——二零零六年修订出版的台湾翰林版国语教材为出发点和落脚点,希望通过研究其中的翰林版教材,以一斑窥全豹,探求台湾小学语文教育的基本理念,研究台湾国语教材的编写特点,总结台湾国语教材编写的经验与不足,以对我国小学语文课程改革和小学语文教材编写提供借鉴。本论文主要分为以下几个部分。第一部分绪论,介绍本文的研究缘起、研究背景、研究范围、研究方法、本文研究思路和限制,以及全文的整体框架结构。第二部分台湾国语教材编写依据。主要介绍台湾2000年公布从2001年开始实施的《国民中小学九年一贯课程纲要(语文学习领域)》的基本构架、特点,及对教材编写的建议。第三部分教材的结构。主要从教材的编写体例进行介绍:包括教材的单册体例、单元体例、课文体例等结构内容。第四部分教材内容。主要从(1)教材的选文,包括选文的题材、体裁,文选的数量;(2)教材中语文能力培养的呈现,包括听、说、读、写等方面;(3)教材中的语文活动等方面加以分析研究。第五部分启示,主要依据前文的各个部分的主要内容,对其中发现的教材中的问题和值得思考的地方加以进一步分析阐述,以供我国大陆地区语文教材编写时作参考。

【Abstract】 Highly importance should be attached to the teaching material that has important position in the teaching process. Carrying on academic and substantial research to the teaching material is advantageous to the teaching material construction in our country. The teaching material carries out in each subject, but the Chinese is a main subject in primary and junior high school, and Chinese teaching is also the foundation of each subject. As a consequence, studying of Chinese teaching material has a necessity. Recent reform of Chinese teaching has changed on many basic principles. Since<compulsory day education Chinese curriculum standard (experiment draft) > was promulgated by National Ministry of Education in 2001, a new round curriculum reform has been carried on in mainland, In 1999, Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines was promulgated in Taiwan which fixes on the direction of basic education course reform. In 2000, Chinese curriculum Guidelines of the primary school, has been carried out. From 2001, Grade 1-9 education was carried on year by year, and Chinese curriculum system and Chinese teaching are continuously developing. The result of students’study is represented by the basic ability indicator in the Grade 1-9 Curriculum reform, which release the rein of teaching and improve teachers’professional abilities.Owing to the area and politics, there have been limited researches on the primary school Chinese teaching materials in Tai Wan. There are only a few brief researches on the comparison. Even few is the comment on the Han Lin edition of teaching materials, further more, the research on the characteristic of compilation, frame system, exercises system, whole compilation, teaching ideology and perspective of curriculum principles through teaching material and etc. of the national language teaching material are nearly blank. That is the reason that the author has the urge to research the whole national language teaching material of Taiwan.Mandarin is the mother tongue of Chinese. The official languages of mainland and Taiwan came from the same root. The teaching materials of both sides have something in common, and are both in reform. Our research is based on the latest version Chinese teaching material– Han Lin 2006 edition. We hope we could probe into the concept and system behind the teaching materials from Tai Wan, which could help with the reform of teaching materials in China’s mainland.The structures of the thesis are as follows:Part 1: Introduction. Introduction to the cause、Background, scope, methodology, limitation and the structure of this article.Part 2: Basis of compilation of teaching materials. Main to Introduce the framework and features and suggestion of the compilation of the teaching material of the < Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines (Chinese curriculum) > which was promulgated in 2000 and carried out in 2001.Part 3: Structure of teaching material. Introduce from the Arrangement of compilation, including each book, units and texts.Part 4: Contents of teaching material. (1) Selection of texts, including subject, style and number of texts,(2)Training of listening, speaking, reading and writing, (3)Exercises and activities in the teaching material.Part 5: revelation. Based on the foregoing statement, we hope to find some questions and something worth to reflect in the teaching material to research further, and provide the consultation for the compilation of teaching materials in China’s mainland.

  • 【分类号】G623.2
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1292