

Normative Research of TV Title

【作者】 许之民

【导师】 张成华;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 2006至2007年,短短一年的时间,各大电视台纷纷对频道、栏目、节目进行了一系列的包装改版,随着电视频道的增多,竞争的激烈,电视屏幕整体包装的系统化、规范化已成为各大电视台的一个重要工作部分。作为电视的视觉表现元素之一,电视字幕的统一规范自然成为了电视视觉识别系统中的一个重要组成部分。本文主要通过对电视字幕的应用现状的调查分析,找出其中的原因,在此基础上结合视觉心理、电视媒体特点提出电视字幕规范性研究的重要意义,以供电视工作者参考。本文研究的主要内容如下:1、通过采访、视频记录、查阅相关文献资料,对电视字幕的涵义、类型、功能进行了归纳总结。2、以中型城市安徽省芜湖市所在地区为例,针对不同人群对不同电视频道、栏目的观看效果,以此为基础,针对当前电视字幕的应用现状进行一定的分析。3、基于数字制作环境下,针对标清电视,依据其荧屏特征,对电视字幕的安全区、字符容量(字体、大小等)、位置、色彩、停留时间等因素进行了一系列探讨,以求对电视字幕的规范形成一个共识,从而给电视节目后期制作人员提供一些参考意见与原则。

【Abstract】 Between 2006 and 2007, only one year , all kinds of TV stations have processed some series of packing and correcting to channel and column and program, along with increasing TV channels and competitive severity, the systematization and standardization of holistic packing of TV screen has been an important portion. As one of vision representation elements, the unification and criterion of TV title has been an important part of identification system of TV vision. Through making diagnoses on applications of TV title and finding out the reasons inside, based on these, vision psychology and the character of TV media are taken into account, the thesis advances the important meaning of the normative research of TV title, in order to give TV workers some helpful references.The thesis focuses on these contents as follow:First of all, the definition .style and function of TV title are summed up by gathering news .video and referring to correlation literatures.Secondly, take medium-sized Wuhu city of Anhui province as an example, by investigating audience feedbacks on different TV channels and columns, some analysis about current application actuality of TV title are made out.Finally, based on numerical facture circumstance, in allusion to the SDTV and the character of video screen, a series of discussions concentrate on facture criterion about safety area of video screen, character capability (font, font size etc) , position ,color, residence time and so on ,in order to form a cognition and provide the late-producer of TV program with some references and principles.

  • 【分类号】TN948.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】572