

【作者】 程慧丽

【导师】 吴维屏;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 课题式研究性学习作为一门全新的课程进入普通中学课程体系,给学校带来的不只是课程结构的变化,而且是一场教育理念的更新,教学方式的根本变革。研究性学习评价是研究性学习课程的重要组成部分,是实现课程目标、发展教育评价导向和进行质量监控的有效手段,也是我国新一轮课程改革面临的一个新课题。本文针对目前国内课题式研究性学习评价理论研究的不足,不利于研究性学习的发展,更无法满足研究性学习评价实践层的迫切需要的问题,展开了对研究性学习评价本体的研究。文章系统地对课题式研究性学习评价的内涵、价值取向及其特点、主体、内容、方法及实施途径等基本内容进行了理性分析,为课题式研究性学习评价体系的构建提出了一系列自己的观点、看法。本文的基本结论是:课题式研究性学习评价要树立以学生为本的思想,以建构主义教学理论和多元智力评价观等为指导,遵循主体性、民主性、激励性和发展性等原则,以学生、教师和家长等为评价主体,综合运用质性评定和量化评价、自评和他评等多种评价方法,构建出一套科学有效的课题式研究性学习评价体系。文章结构共五部分:第一部分,简要介绍研究性学习发展历程并进行了概念辨析,同时阐述了课题式研究性学习的特点和意义;第二部分,首先阐明了课题式研究性学习评价的内涵和价值取向,然后阐述了它的特点和理论基础,第三部分,指出了目前课题式研究性学习评价过程中存在的主要问题;第四部分,从课题式研究性学习评价的主体、内容、方法、过程等维度展开研究,意图构建出一套比较科学有效的评价体系,并附之以案例分析;最后部分,对全文进行了简要的总结。

【Abstract】 Problem-probing Learning (PPL), as a new subject which has entered the curriculum system of high schools in China, brings about not only major changes in curriculum structure but an essential innovation of educational ideas as well as teaching approaches. The evaluation of PPL,one of the most important components of PPL curriculum, is an effective means to achieve the curriculum objectives, to develop the guidance to educational evaluation and to monitor the instructional quality. It is also a new issue in the new round of education reform in China. This thesis is a research on evaluation of PPL itself ,aiming at the question that the theoretical research of evaluation of PPL is insufficient in China ,which is not advantageous to development of PPL and can not meet the urgency need of evaluation of PPL in practice. This thesis study such aspects as the connotation, the theoretical basis, value-oriented, contents and approaches of the evaluation of PPL systematically .The author brings up a series of viewpoint and opinion for construction of the theory on evaluation of PPL .The conclusions made by this thesis are as following:The evaluation of PPL should build up a set of evaluation system of PPL effectively and authentically,utilizing various evaluating means such as self-evaluating, inter-evaluating,qualities evaluating and quantities evaluating on the basis of autonomous, democratic , invigorative and developmental principles, guided by principles of students-oriented as well as constructivism and multi-intelligence evaluating ideology.This thesis consists of the following five parts:The first part deals with the phylogeny of PPL and make the differentiation and analysis for the concept also .The second part starts with the connotation and value orientation of evaluation of PPL, then points out its characteristics and theories foundation .The third part attempts to point out the key problem of the evaluation of PPL exist currently .The fourth part launches the research from different dimension of evaluation, namely its corpus ,contents ,method and process ,then set up a set of valid and integrated evaluation system ,and finally attach it to analyze with the case example . The last part briefly concludes the whole thesis.

【关键词】 课题式研究性学习评价体系
【Key words】 problem-probing learningevaluationsystem
  • 【分类号】G420
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】549