

【作者】 罗文娟

【导师】 谢利民;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着新一轮课程改革的逐步实施,改进传统的教学方式、构建充满生命力的课堂教学运行体系,倡导互动性的课堂教学已经越来越受到教师们的广泛重视。一方面,教育是发展人的活动,课堂教学作为教育的主要渠道,应确立学生主体性发展的教学观,把学生主体性发展放在一切发展之首,这就必须让学生参与到教学活动中来,互动教学正是从满足学生的主体需要出发,使教学过程建立在学生自主活动、主动探索的基础上,通过全面、多样的主体实践活动,促进学生主体精神、实践能力和多方面素质的整体发展。另一方面,教与学的关系问题是教学过程的本质问题,教学是教师的教与学生的学的统一,这种统一的实质是交往、互动。英语作为一门外语在小学开设更有开展互动教学的必要性。首先,英语的语言工具性决定了它是一门实践性很强的课程,必须在交往中才能习得。其次,由于年龄及心理上的特征,小学生的英语学习必须以锻炼听说能力为主,且在形式上与中学生和成人有所不同,教师必须用丰富的教学手段调动学生的积极性,让他们参与到教学中来,使他们敢于开口、乐于开口说英语。相对于单向式的传统教学,互动教学可以在更大程度上让学生在多维互动,合作共享的课堂中体验英语学习的成功与喜悦。

【Abstract】 In accordance with new course reform, more and more teachers pay much attention to bettering teaching form and improving learning form. They tend to form communicative and interactive teaching and focus on the construction of the teaching process which is full of vigor and vitality. On one hand, as education is an activity of developing human beings, teachers should regard students as the subject of study and put developing their status of subject on the first place. In order to reach the goal, teachers must try their best to attract students to participate into teaching activities. Interactive teaching is based on the fact that students act and research according to their own willing. It can promote the whole development of students’subjective spirit, practical ability, and other abilities. On the other hand, the relation between teaching and learning is the essential problem of teaching. Teaching is the unity of teachers’teaching and students’learning. The essence of which is communication and interactivity. When English is taught as a foreign language at primary school, it is more necessary to facilitate interactive teaching. Firstly, as a tool of language, English is a course with strong practical character and must be mastered in communication process. Secondly, because of the characters of age and psychology, pupils must learn English in a way that is different from that of teenagers and adults. They may learn better through listening and speaking. So teachers must activate the enthusiasm of students to participate into teaching activities and make them dare to speak, like to speak English. Comparing to traditional teaching style, student may enjoy more successes and pleasures in multiple interactivities.

【关键词】 小学生英语课堂互动教学
【Key words】 PupilsEnglish classinteractive teaching
  • 【分类号】G623.31
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1949