

The Study and Implementation of Learning Content Management System Based on Learning Objects

【作者】 孙兴华

【导师】 王旭卿; 叶海松;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 教育资源的共享与重用是现代网络教育发展的一个重要方面,但是教育资源在课程内容与学习管理层次进行交换的机制尚不完善,严重制约了网络教育资源的大范围共享与交流。针对此问题,本文从研究面向学习对象的网络课程设计入手,结合SCORM2004标准,研究并实现了新一代网络教育解决方案——学习内容管理系统(LCMS)。本LCMS是一个支持符合SCORM2004标准的学习内容、学习对象的存储和管理、个性化学习内容生成和学习的网络教育系统。本文首先对学习对象和LCMS的一般架构进行了深入研究,全面论述了系统涉及的学习对象SCORM 2004标准和学习内容的组织、存储、管理、重用等关键技术及其组成LCMS的基本构件。在此基础上,提出了面向学习对象的学习内容管理系统的实现方案,讨论了相关实现技术,并详细介绍了各子系统的设计和原型化实现。最后介绍了该系统的实际应用情况。

【Abstract】 Sharing and reusing educational resources are of great importance to the development of e-learning. However, the mechanism for the exchange of educational resources at the courses content and learning administration level are not perfect yet, which obstructs the sharing and communication of the on-line learning resources in large areas.Aiming at this problem, this paper begins with the research of the Learning Content design based on learning objects, combining SCORM 2004 standards, and focuses on the research of the new generation solution of e-learning----Learning Content Management System (LCMS).The LCMS is a e-learning applicative system which supports learning contents of SCORM 2004, the storing and management of learning objects, and the dynamic creation and learning of the individual learning content.We start with the research of the learning objects and general structure of LCMS, and the learning objects standards, such as SCORM 2004, and key technologies, such as the organizing, storage, management, and the reusing of the e-learning contents, are introduced in details. A LCMS solution is proposed, which takes the learning objects repository as the core. The technology related to the implementation is introduced, and the designs of every subsystem of the solution, as well as the implementation of its prototype, are introduced in details. This solution can fit the application requirements of teachers and learners better. Finally, the case in instructional application are introduced.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】346