

【作者】 程莉萍

【导师】 李时人;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以明代京畿籍作家为主要研究对象,希望通过对有明一代京畿籍作家的全面考察,包括对作家的生平、交往、著述的考察和文学作品的研究,为研究明代文学提供资料和参考。通过对各种文献资料,包括通志、地方志、诗文集的搜寻,本文共收罗到有诗文集或诗、文作品存世的明代京畿籍作家499人,现存诗文别集60余种。根据这些资料,本文对这些作家的生平、著述等进行了较为全面的考察和研究。论文正文前有“绪论”。“绪论”分五节,分别介绍“关于本课题研究的若干说明”、“京畿历史文化与文学概况”、“明代京畿教育、文化发展状况”、“明代京畿籍作家历时综述”、“明代京畿籍作家地理分布”。正文按时代先后顺序考察了明代各个时期京畿的作家:第一章介绍从洪武到成化初期的作家。由于刚刚经历了政治的变革,社会的变动,教育科举起步较迟,经济、文化尚处于恢复阶段,这一时期京畿籍作家数量不多,主要有宋讷、李延兴、岳正、王越等。第二章介绍成化中后期至嘉靖前期京畿籍的作家。随着经济、文化以及文学的发展,这一时期出现了几位在文坛上有一定影响的京畿籍作家,主要有马中锡、石珤。此外,孙绪在诗文评论方面取得了一定成就。还有一批作家的创作也有自己的个性或特色,如张诗、苏志皋、蔡叆、陈儒、刘乾等?谌⑺牧秸陆樯芗尉钢泻笃谥?万历前期的京畿籍作家。这一时期商品经济发展,社会思潮活跃,文坛也很兴盛,京畿出现的作家也较多。第三章主要介绍从事诗文创作的作家,他们的创作都具有较独特的个性和特色,主要有卢柟、宋登春、穆文熙、杨继盛、魏允中、孟思,王好问、石星、尹耕等。第四章主要介绍散曲作家刘效祖、薛论道和戏曲作家张四维、张瑀。第五、六两章介绍万历中后期至崇祯末京畿籍的作家。这一时期政局动乱,外族入侵,文学的情况也很复杂。时间稍早的作家主要有赵南星(第六章单独介绍)、李化龙、余继登、王嘉谟,明末则出现了一批英烈作家,如孙承宗、鹿善继、范景文、申佳胤、史可法等,还有刘荣嗣、于奕正、张懋忠、纪坤、崔丹、傅梅、邢云路等人在文学上也取得了较高成就。第七章主要介绍明末清初的京畿籍遗民作家,主要作家有河朔诗派的申涵光、张盖、殷岳、赵湛、刘逢源等,一代大儒孙奇逢文学成就也很突出。此外还有王余佑、梁以樟、李孔昭、韩畕、刘文炤等诗人。第八章介绍明代宫廷诗文作家,主要分为帝王诗歌、后妃及宫女诗文、宦官诗歌。文末还有三个附录:《明代京畿籍作家著述一览》、《明代京畿籍作家小传》、《明代京畿籍作家诗文别集叙录》。本文采用考、论结合的方法,同时也尽可能注意个案研究与整体关照之间的关系,希望能够为深入研究明代地域文学提供参考。

【Abstract】 This thesis tries to take the men of letters appeared in Jingji Prefecture as the research objects and make an investigation and research on them,whose life and literatry works are taken into consideration,with the purpose of describing the general features and local characteristics of the literature in Jingji Prefecture within almost 300 years in Ming Dynasty.By making a survey of various documents,including the history of local places and the poem collections,it has found that there are in all 499 writers with their anthologies or poem in Ming Dynasty,appearing in more than 60 other collections nowadays. Then this thesis observes and investigates the lives of these writers and their works on the basis of these information.Before the main text is the introduction,which divided into four parts,mainly narrates“The related research on this project and its significance”、“Culture and literature tradition of Jingji Prefecture”、“The development of Jingji Culture in Ming Dynasty”、“The introduction of Jingji writers according to time order”、“The geographical distribution of Jingji writers in Ming Dynasty”.The main text observes the writers one by one in sequential order at first, and then introduces the writers within the period from Hong Wu to Cheng Hua initial stage (The years name after the name of the emperors)in the first part. As the great political innovations and society’s alteration have taken place,education and imperial examination started late,the economy and culture are in the stage of recovering,there are few writers,mainly including Song Ne ,Li Yanxing,Yue Zheng and Wang Yue, etc.,in this span. The second part introduces the writers whthin the period from mid-late Cheng Hua to earlier Jia Jing(ibid).With the development on economy、culture and literature,some well-known writers such as Ma Zhongxi,Shi Bao appeared in literary arena.In addition,Sun Xu has obtained the certain achievement in literature commentary. Other writers such as Zhang Shi,Su Zhigao,Cai Yi,Chen Ru,Liu Qian, etc.,whose creation also have its individuality or characteristic.The third and f ourth parts introduce the writers within the period from mid-late Jia Jing to earlier Wan Li(ibid). In this period,with the development of the commodity economy ,the social ideological trend was active ,the literary arena also prosperous,and there are more writers in Jingji Prefecture .The third part mainly introduce the writers who are engaged in the poem and prose creation,such as Lu Nan,Song Dengchun,Mu Wenxi,Yang Jisheng,Wei Yunzhen,Meng Si,Wang Haowen,Shi Xing and Yin Geng began to display their personalities and features in their works.The fourth part introduce the writers who are engaged in Sanqu creation,such as Liu Xiaozu,Xue Lundao ,also introduce the writers of legend, such as Zhang Siwei and Zhang Yu.The fifth and sixth parts introduces the writers whthin the period from mid-late Wan Li to Chong Zhen(ibid).During these years,the political change and outlandish invasion both occurred which severely affected the development of literature. Zhao Nanxing(the sixth part),Li Hualong ,Wang Jiamo,Yu Jideng are the early writers in this period . Afterwards, a group of heroic deedswriters appeared,such as Sun Chengzong,Lu Shanji,Fan Jingwen,Shen Jiaying Shi Kefa, etc. In addition, other writers such as Liu Rongsi, Yu Yizheng,Zhang Maozhong,Ji Kun,Cui Dan,Fu Mei,Xing Yunlu also have obtained achievement.The seventh part mainly introduce the writers within the period between Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty,such as members of Heshuo Poetry school, including Shen Hanguang,Zhang Gai,Ying Yue,Zhao Zhan and Liu Fengyuan.The scholar of Sun Qifeng also obtained remarkable achievement.Besides,there still have some poem such as Wang Yuyou,Liang Yizhang,Li Kongzhao, Liu Wenzhao.The eighth part introduce the writers in imperial court,mainly include the writers of emperor,queen and other female,also include Eunuch.At last,three appendixes are added,the first is the list for the 499 writers anthologies,the second is the biography for these writers,the third is the introduction for the present other collections for these writers.This thesis has applied the combined approaches of investigation and discussion as well as paid attention to the relationship between the case study and whole observation as much as possible,hopes to make some beneficial observation and provide some useful reference to the further research on the local literature of Ming Dynasty.

【关键词】 明代京畿作家研究
【Key words】 Ming DynastyJingji Prefecturethe writersresearch
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】616