

The Study on Spatial Structure of Vacation Tourism in Qingdao

【作者】 耿逸冉

【导师】 郑建瑜;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着人们物质生活水平的提高、闲暇时间增多,度假旅游逐渐成为我国居民一种重要的旅游方式和生活方式。青岛市作为滨海城市,拥有丰富的度假旅游资源。但长期以来,度假旅游的发展仅限于市中心胶州湾、汇泉湾一带,其它滨海和内陆区市旅游发展滞后,整合青岛度假旅游资源,构筑城市整体度假发展的空间结构,对于寻找区域旅游发展优势、确定地域旅游开发的特色与方向、优化旅游区间的功能配置、制定旅游发展战略都具有重要的指导意义。因此,本文在城市旅游空间结构理论的指导下,通过分析影响青岛市度假空间发展的相关因素,构筑青岛市度假旅游的圈层结构。全文共由5个部分组成:第一章介绍了论文的选题背景、研究意义及研究的基础信息,包括研究对象、研究思路、研究方法以及国内外研究综述。第二章提出了城市旅游空间结构的基本概念和理论。在基本概念的基础上,通过分析国内外学者关于旅游地空间结构模型,总结了城市旅游空间结构构成要素,提出了城市旅游空间结构的演化模式,指出圈层模式是城市旅游发展较为成熟的模式,最后分析了城市旅游圈层发育的相关问题。第三章在度假旅游的概念及基本内涵的基础上,分析了影响青岛市度假旅游空间结构的主要因素,包括青岛市度假旅游资源禀赋与自然条件、青岛市经济发展水平、度假旅游者行为特征及空间规律、青岛市度假旅游客源市场现状及特征、青岛市度假旅游发展的节点、线路和出入通道等因素。第四章在前面两部分的基础上,构建了青岛市度假旅游的圈层结构,把青岛市划分为近层海滨都市风情度假旅游圈、中层名山海岛温泉度假旅游圈和远层休闲养生、探古寻幽度假旅游圈三个度假旅游圈层,分析了每个圈层的地域范围、目标市场和度假旅游开发方向。最后提出了青岛市度假旅游交通网络结构优化和青岛市度假客源市场结构优化的对策。最后一章总结了本文的主要结论和有待进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 With enhancement of living standards and increasing of leisure time, vacation traveling has become an important part of tourism activities and living pattern. as a Seaside city, Qingdao boasts of abundant tourism resources for holiday-makers. But the development of vacation tourism has been restricted in downtown areas of Jiaozhou Bay and Huiquan Bay. Tourism development of other seafront area and inland area lags behind. Consolidate resort tourism resources and reconstruct the overall resort spatial structure is very important for implementation of tourism development strategy. It is also helpful for seeking competitive advantage of regional tourism development, regional tourism feature and development direction, optimize functional coordination of tourism space. This thesis attempted to analyze influential factors of resort spatial development in Qingdao, then to construct the circle-layer structure of Qingdao’s vacation tourism.The whole paper consists of five chapters.The first chapter introduced the background and importance of this study and fundamental thoery including research objective, framework and methods, literature review.The second chapter studied into the basic concepts and thoery of city tourism spatial structure. Through review of present literature on tourism destination spatial structure model, component factors of city tourism spatial structure was summarized, and the envolement patter of city tourism spatial structure was also proposed. The circle-layer pattern was suggested as the mature stage of city tourism development. Finally, related problems were analyzed on development of city tourism in a circle-layer way.In the third chapter primary influencial factors of resort tourism spatial structure in Qingdao were analyzed on the basis of conception of resort tourism.Influential factors include resort tourism resources and conditions, economic development level, resort tourists behavior charactors and spatial feature, the status quuo and charater of tourist market.The fourth chapter studied into the circle-layer structure of Qingdao’s vacation t tourism. Different circles are grouped as central seaside city resort layer, medium-layered island spring resort tourism and distant tourism layer of health, leisure and other purposed traveling.The last chapter summarized the conclusion of the overall study and further study in the future.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】793