

【作者】 王梦昭

【导师】 汪天云;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 院线制在中国电影市场的整体改革中显示了惊人的作用,商业院线势力正在蓬勃发展。然而,在商业大片的夹击及档期的不利因素困扰下,小成本艺术电影正遭受着价值普遍缺失和票房受挫的影响。经案例分析与比较,确立了小成本艺术电影遭遇上述困扰的深层症结——院线条块分割过于单一,导致院线布局的不合理。为完善现有院线制的格局,本文提出当下应建立与现有商业院线平行的艺术院线,形成以商业院线为主、艺术院线为辅的新的院线体系,并争取发挥艺术与商业间的价值转换功能。在帮助小成本艺术电影摆脱困境的同时,国内曾经创办过的具有实验性质的艺术院线,自身也面临着成长的困惑。初建、推翻、再建,艺术院线在中国不断进行自我批驳与自我反思,寻找一条在艺术性与商业性之间取得平衡的出路。本文的后半部分,试通过对海外同类艺术院线的资料收集与研究,分析借鉴其模式的可操作性,为艺术院线在中国的困境与出路,提供理论参考及解答。

【Abstract】 Cinema line systems play an important role in the whole reform of Chinese film market, commercial-film line business booming. But under attacks of commercial films and other unfavorable economic factors, low-cost art films are meeting impacts of box office suffered setbacks and lack of universal value.By case of analysis and comparison, it has confirmed the deep root in these troubles with low-cost art films:Cinema line systems were too fragility, and leading itself to the unreasonable distribution. To improve the existing cinemas line systems, the papers were called for the establishment of the art-film line parallel with the existing commercial-film lines. Mainly in commercial-film line, supplement in art-film line, the new systems seek to maximize the value of art and commercial transformation.In ahead of helping low-cost art films, the domestic ex-art-film line was faced to their own growing perplexity by the same time. The ex-art-film line initial over and overthrow, continued to engage in self-criticism and self-reflection, try attempt to find a balance between commercial and artistic way. The final part of the papers try to finish the data collection and research on those overseas art-film lines, build and analysis the workable operation mode, and to provide the answers to art-film lines in its difficulties and developments in China.

  • 【分类号】J946
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】640