

The Study on the Emotional Experience and the Involvement in Social Comparison of Maximizers and Satisficers

【作者】 陈冬

【导师】 张岗英;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 选择是每一个个体在日常生活中都会面临的问题。选择行为和选择结果都会在不同程度上,对决策者产生或深或浅、或暂时或长远的影响。逻辑上,人们认为多种多样的选择能够帮助他们更容易的做出最令其满意的选择结果。也就是说,选择越多,则效果越好,人们会更开心。拥有选择的权利总是让人心动的。但是近期研究显示,实际情况并非如此。消费者决策行为在心理学和经济学中都是热门研究课题。决策者类型的划分也经历着变化。经济学中以完全自利和完全理性(追求极大化)为标签的“经济人”的概念,以及理性选择理论已早被证实其不合理性性;取而代之的“有限理性”假说,认为人们在实际生活中的决策行为是违反了理性选择理论所描述的情况。基于选择情境的丰富性和变化性,以及个体处理外界信息能力的有限性,决策者在实际决策环境中是无法做到所谓“完全理性”的。上述决策者类型理论从各个侧面对决策者类型进行了阐述。晚近的一项研究中,Schwartz等人(2002)制订并施测了一份极大化量表。研究认为,消费者决策类型可以划分为两种—“极大化者”和“满意者”:“极大化者”,即在决策过程中追求“最优”或“最佳”选择的人;而“满意者”,仅以“足够好”或“令人满意”作为选择标准。消费者决策类型不同,其情绪体验也应存在差别。基于决策标准的不同,极大化者可能比满意者更多地体验后悔、抑郁和不快乐的情绪。由于很多情况下不存在“最佳的”选择,以追求“最佳”为目的的极大化者,为了确定自己的决策结果是“最佳”的,很可能需要和他人进行社会比较,来获取用以评估自己决策结果(甚至其决策能力)的信息。本文通过施测Prof.Schwartz等人编制的极大化量表,来检验是否存在这两种决策者类型—“极大化者”和“满意者”。本研究包括三个小研究,分别采用了问卷测试和实验研究的方法,根据取得的研究结果,分析并讨论了这两种决策类型的情绪体验差别,以及社会比较对两种决策者的差异影响。所得数据运用SPSS15.0软件包进行统计处理,分别做了t检验、方差分析、Pearson相关分析、多重回归分析等。研究结果发现:1.决策者可以被分为“极大化者”和“满意者”两种类型;极大化者追求“最佳”选择,而满意者只要求“足够好”。极大化者与满意者之间并没有绝对的区分界限,这里只是作为两种不同决策倾向来进行讨论,也不能简单地认为一种决策倾向绝对优于(或劣于)另外一种。2.极大化者和满意者的情绪体验存在显著差异:极大化者比满意者更易体验到后悔和抑郁情绪,而满意者比极大化者更享受决策过程及结果。3.极大化者比满意者更具社会比较倾向。极大化者比满意者更多地利用社会比较信息,来对自己的决策行为(甚或对其自身的决策能力)进行判断和评估。极大化者的情绪和自我能力评估比满意者更易受社会比较信息的负面影响。随着科技的发展和物质生活的丰富,人们拥有比以往任何时候更强大的选择权利,也能够更加自由地运用其选择权利,但其主观幸福感体验的报告却没有随之增长。人们理所当然认为的—富裕的人会更快乐—的想法,似乎并不那么理性。当然,富裕和快乐之间的非正相关关系,导致其产生的原因固然是多方面的,因为组成人的幸福感的因素是多元的,并非某单一因素所决定的。本研究结果试图指出,上述现象的原因之一可能在于过多的选择情境对人们产生的影响。人们对待选择结果和选择行为的态度也极大地影响着其主观情绪体验。

【Abstract】 Choices are made by everyone every day. The choice behavior and itsconsequences can have little or great impact on the decision-makers. People logicallybelieve that all kinds of choices can help them make decisions easier, and they’ll bemuch happier. In other word, the more choice, the better. It’s always enchanting to ownthe rights to choose. While recent researches do not approve that.The behavior of decision-maker has long been a study subject both in the scienceof psychology and economics. The latest research has divided decision-maker into twodifferent types—maximizers and satisficers. Maximizers seek for the utmost result fromdecision-making, whereas satisficers simply settle for good enough. I borrowed theMaximizing Scale invented by Schwartz et al., and analyzed the differences of the twotypes in emotional experience and the involvement in social comparison. The results areas follows:1. Decision-makers can be divided into two types: maximizers and satisficers, theformer seek for the utmost result from decision-making, whereas satisficers simplysettle for good enough. There is not a distinction line between the two types; here Idiscuss the two types as two directions of tendencies.2. There are distinctive differences in the emotional experience of maximizers andsatisficers. The data analysis shows that maximizing is positively related to depressionand regret; indicating maximizers are more exposed to the emotion of depression andregret. Still, maximizing is negatively related to happiness, indicating maximizers aretend to be unhappy and less satisfied than satisficers.3. During the decision-making process, maximizers involve themselves more thansatisficers do in social comparison to attain information for the judgment of their action,or even of themselves as persons. Further, maximizers are more sensitive and fragile tothe negative effect of social comparison.With the rapid development of science and technology, people are freer than anypasted times to have their own rights of choices. In the meantime they report moreunhappiness and less satisfaction with life. The reason of the phenomenon may lie in the abundance of choice people face nowadays, as well as their choice tendency types indecision-making process. It is of everybody’s concern for oneself to flourish both in thematerial and the mental world.

  • 【分类号】B842.6
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