

The Study on the Guidance of Employment in Chinese Vocational Education

【作者】 严建红

【导师】 李继峰;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 成人教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国高校教育大众化程度提高之后,高校毕业生就业成为很突出的社会问题。同时,由于我国的经济结构调整,城镇下岗职工剧增。而大量的农民离开土地进城务工进一步使人才市场就业形势更为严峻。然而,社会经济快速发展中,又有相当多的企业招不到实用性人才。这充分暴露了我国目前的职业教育与培训脱离市场需求、并继续复制失业者!因此,本文从“就业市场为导向”的职业教育思路出发,进行了拓展性研究,以期有助于我国职业教育与培训体系和具体办学模式的改革,缓解就业压力,使职业教育有利于促进整个社会的和谐发展。论文共分五大部分:第一章参照国外的就业教育理论,分析我国当前职业教育存在培养模式不适应市场要求、办学条件不具备、学生择业心态不成熟和师资力量薄弱等直接影响职业学校学生就业差的原因,论证了加强就业导向的紧迫性。第二章针对目前职业教育“全面开花”的现象,从宏观上提出和论证应结合社会失业群体特点重点出击,针对不同的就业需求进行针对性的设计,加强学员操作实践能力的培养;第三章联系我国目前的职业教育师资匮乏的现状专题讨论,从师资的培养途径、聘用、培训、管理和评价等方面,为我国职业教育与培训的师资培养方式提供了一些新的思路。第四章从国家的财政投资应适度转向职业教育方面、创立国家的职业技术教育基金制度、创立个人的职业技术教育基金制度、吸纳民间资金与加强职业教育的基础设施建设等几个方面,研究加大职业教育培训经费的筹措、投入与利用问题。第五章从大学、职业教育培训中心与企业的联合办学、企业与职业教育、培训中心的紧密合作及产业部门、教育部门与就业部门之间的密切合作等三个方面,初步论证了建立大学、职业教育与企业之间合作办学模式的可行性思路。论文第一章为总论部分,概述课题研究背景和整体规划,后四章为分论部分,围绕“就业导向职业教育体系建构”分别选择焦点问题“聚焦”分析,试图为我国职业教育的就业导向发展提供具有一定内容规模和理论意义的研究成果。

【Abstract】 Abstract: After the popular degree on Chinese universities education was enhanced, getting employment of the university graduates became a very prominent social question. At the same time, due to the readjustment of the economic structure, there are many unemployed person in cities. Moreover, lots of peasants leave the land for cities in order to find a job to make the employment situation more severely. However, during the social economy fast development, quite many enterprises in the reality can’t recruit any usable talented person. This has fully exposed a serious problem that Chinese vocational education is being separated seriously from the market and continued to duplicate the unemployed! Therefore, this article carried out an open research and proposed that we should reform Chinese vocational education and training’s system and concrete school pattern according to the economic market on the guidance of employment and that to alleviate the unemployment pressure and promote entire society’s harmonious development.The article tries to explore the issue in five chapters:The first chapter: Refer to foreign employment educational theory, analyzed reasons that our country current vocational education existing cultivating pattern isn’t matching for the market’s request, the school condition isn’t ready well, the students views on choosing profession are not mature and the teachers are in short supply and so on affecting directly the student full employment, proposed urgency that our country vocational education should take being employed as the guidance mixed correlation theory.The second chapter: In view of at present vocational education "all-round blooming" phenomenon, macroscopic proposed and proved Chinese vocational education should launch an attack with emphasis unified the social unemployment community characteristic. The vocational education and training must aim at the different employment target to carry on the pointed design, strengthen the students operating ability.The third chapter: Relate to topic discussion about our present country vocational education teachers’ deficient situation, it proposed new advice on Chinese vocational education and the training teachers’ raised way from teachers’ raising way, hires, and application, training and management so on aspect.The fourth chapter: We should moderately turn to the vocational education and the training aspect from the national financial investment; establishing and reasonable using national vocational education fund, establishing and properly managing individual vocational education and the training fund, strengthening the vocational education and the training infrastructure construction and so on several aspects enlarge funds investment and use on the vocational education and the training.The fifth chapter: From the university, the vocational education training center and enterprise’s union school, the enterprise and the vocational education and between the training center close cooperation and the industrial department, the educational department and the employment department’s close cooperation and so on three aspects, initial proved feasible mentality that we should establish the university, the vocational education training center and enterprise’s cooperation school pattern.The first chapter of paper is the general remarks, outlined the topic research background and the whole plan, the latter four chapters are partial remarks, separately to choose the focal point question "focusing" the analysis and enclosing " vocational education system to construct on the guidance of employment ", this to provide research results on the certain content scale and the theoretical significance for our country vocational education on the guidance of employment development.

【关键词】 就业导向职业教育改革
【Key words】 guidance of employmentvocational educationreform
  • 【分类号】G719.2
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1235