

The Cultivation of Cross-Cultural Awareness in English Teaching in the Globalizing Perspective

【作者】 江俊丽

【导师】 刘家访;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 全球化是一个受到学术界与社会广泛关注的话题,在其现实性上表现为各国政治、经济、文化等相互影响、相互依赖程度的不断纵深发展。不少学者认为,全球化是社会经济、政治、文化在全球范围内的一体化。然而,全球化进程中存在着一个核心问题,即人是全球化的主体,人的观念主导着全球化的走向,而人在本质上是文化的。从这个意义上说,文化问题是全球化演变的关键。因此本文讨论的全球化主要是指文化全球化。文化全球化需要大量具有跨文化能力的人才,而跨文化能力的先导是跨文化意识,所以如何提高人们的跨文化意识成了目前世界上的重要课题。教育具有文化的特性,是特殊的文化。本论文便是将英语教学中培养人的跨文化意识置于全球化语境之中,分析全球化对我国教育教学的影响,并结合教学理念,针对英语教学中如何培养跨文化意识以适应全球化这一趋势展开讨论,希望能给教师和学生提供参考,同时对全球化视野下的英语教学科研有所裨益。本文主要内容如下:第一部分涉及文化、全球化以及教育全球化的解读,在这里从文化、全球化的内涵与特性来分析,同时阐述他们与教育教学的关系。第二部分分析全球化对我国教育教学的影响,从而形成了什么样的教学理念、英语教学理念以及文化教学理念。第三部分探讨英语教学中如何培养跨文化意识,以便适应全球化趋势。

【Abstract】 Globalization is a topic concerned widely by the academic and the society. On its reality, it reflects the deep development of the degree of the influence and reliance on each other of countries’politics, economy and culture. Many scholars believe that globalization is a unity of every country’s social politics, economy and culture. However, in the process of globalization there is a key problem, that is, people are the main part and people’s ideas decide the direction of globalization. People are culture in nature. On this way, culture is the key of globalization, so the thesis discusses cultural-globalization mainly.Cultural-globalization needs a lot of talents with cross-cultural abilities. Cross-cultural awareness is the basis of Cross-cultural ability. So how to cultivate people’s cross-cultural awareness is the important problem in the world now.Education belongs to culture, so it has the characters of culture. The thesis just analyzes the influence on our country’s education and teaching arised from globalization, connects the ideal of teaching and discusses the relation between English teaching and cross-cultural awareness and how to cultivate cross-cultural awareness in English teaching to adapt to the trend of globalization. The author hopes the thesis will make some suggestion to the teacher and do some help to the students and English teaching and scientific research. The thesis includes several parts: the first part involves comprehension about culture,globalization and educational globalization and their relationship. The second part concerns the influence on our country’s education and teaching arised from globalization and analyzes the idea of teaching, English teaching and cultural teaching. The third part discusses how to cultivate cross-cultural awareness in English teaching to adapt to the trend of globalization.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1023