

【作者】 袁泉

【导师】 朱英明;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 本项研究以淮安问题为研究对象,探索淮安的发展路径。淮安是苏北的中心城市,经济状况在苏北具有代表性,探索淮安的发展路径,实际上就是研究类似于苏北这样的经济欠发达地区的发展路径。淮安发展战略的核心是加快淮安发展进程,尽快缩小与苏南、苏中的发展差距。本文从淮安经济发展状况分析开始:对省域范围(整个江苏省)、区际范围(苏南、苏中、苏北)、区域范围(苏北)和淮安自身四个层次分析淮安在经济发展水平差距进行分析,说明目前欠发达地区经济发展的进程。同时对差距产生的原因进行分析。同时,笔者从优越的自然资源优势、深厚的文化底蕴、宝贵的旅游资源、淮安的经济和城市化潜力、人力资源优势、淮安“洼地”优势和淮安市区位和交通优势五个方面分析了淮安的比较优势因素。根据前三章的研究,笔者提出了本文的结论:淮安市的工业化战略、园区发展战略。为了实现淮安经济的跳跃式发展,笔者又提出对淮安进行财政补贴和实行特殊的税收优惠来加速淮安的发展。促进资本布局调整和帮助淮安开展大规模基础设施建设都对淮安的经济发展有重要的作用。一个地方的经济发展速度首先取决于投资的增长速度,无论是走内涵发展道路,还是外延发展道路,都需要投入,要想实现超常规的发展,就要有超常规的投入。这是最基本的经济规律。因此,招商引资是淮安实现跨越式发展的根本出路。

【Abstract】 This item studies to take the problem of Huaian as a research object and investigate the Huaian’s development path. Huaian is Jiangsu north of center city, economic condition at Jiangsu north have a representative, investigate the Huaian’s development path, actually be a research similar at Jiangsu north thus of the economy owe the development path of flourishing region. Huaian’s developping strategic core is quickly Huaian to develop progress and contract as soon as possible with the development margin in the south, Jiangsu of Jiangsu. This text is from the Huaian economy development the condition analyze a beginning: Analyze Huai to the province area scope(the whole Jiangsu province), area border scope(Jiangsu south, Jiangsu win, Jiangsu north), district scope(Jiangsu north) and the Huaian’s oneself four layers where economic develop a level margin to carry on analysis, explain to owe the progress of flourishing economic development in the region currently. Carry on analysis to the margin output reason in the meantime. In the meantime, the writer turns a potential, human resource advantage from the Jiangsuperior natural resources advantage, deep cultural bottom Yun, precious tour resources, the Huaian’s economy and city, Huaian"marsh land" advantage and Huaian downtown and transportation advantage be five comparison advantage which analyzed Huaian factors.According to ex- research of 3, the writer put forward textual conclusion: Huaian City’s industrialization strategy, park area development strategy. For carrying out Huaian the jump up type of the economy a development, the writer puts forward again to carry on a public finance Jiangsubsidy and practice a special revenue from tax special discount to accelerate the Huaian’s development to Huaian. Help the capital layout to adjust and help Huaian to open the exhibition large-scale infrastructure construction all Anne is to the Huai of the economic development have an important function.The economic development speed in a place is decided by the growth speed of investment first and regardless walk content development road, still keep outside postponing development road, all need to be throw in, want development of carry out the Jiangsuper normal regulations, will have the devotion of Jiangsuper normal regulations. This be the most basic economic regulation. Therefore canvass business to lead a property is a Huaian the realization cross over type the basic exit of the development.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】685