

【作者】 沈静

【导师】 朱保平; 应秀丽;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 软件工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着软件过程改进概念的普及,软件工业界对软件过程改进的讨论越来越多。讨论的焦点大多集中在过程改进的模型选择和具体实施方法上。随着世界上大部分国家和地区对CMMI的推广,作为新一代软件成熟度能力模型的CMMI受到了越来越密切的关注。笔者所在的单位多年来一直从事大型电子信息系统的研发和集成。大型电子信息系统涉及用户需求设计、系统总体设计、软硬件设计、设备采购、软硬件研发、系统软硬件综合集成、系统联试和测试等多方面技术工作,迫切需要科学规范的软件过程管理。2005年,笔者所在单位按照CMMI L2级实施了软件过程改进,项目过程得到了监督、控制和评审。同时,经过持续的过程改进,已于2006年11月通过CMMI L3级评估。本选题介绍了CMMI的知识构成,并基于CMMI L3各过程域的主要活动讨论如何实施有效的过程改进。从CMMI的实施经验看,项目经理需要承担的项目监督与控制工作是极其重要也是极其繁琐的,因此,本选题重点分析了项目监督与控制的工作流程,研究如何基于CMMI实施项目监督与控制过程改进,并结合理论与实践的经验,介绍了项目过程自动化管理系统的设计思路和应用情况。

【Abstract】 With the popularization of Software process improvement, there are more and moreargumentations about it in software industry. These argumentations most focus on thechoice of the improvement model or the means of the improvement. With CMMIspreading in the most countries and areas, more and more attentions are paid on it.Since many years ago, my company is working on large electronic information system. Weneed canonical process management because these projects deal with many technologyworks such as requirement design, system frame design, hardware/software design,equipment stock, hardware/software development, system integration, system testing andetc. In 2005, my company passed CMMI L2 authentication. Project management is undermanagement, control and assess. And now, we already have CMMI L3 authentication inNov 2006.The article introduces the structure of CMMI, and discusses how to apply processimprovement based on CMMI L3. I consider that the work of project monitoring andcontrol is very important and heavy. So in this article, I analyze the working flow, ofproject monitoring and control, and at last introduce the design think and the application ofthe project management system.

  • 【分类号】TP311.5
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