

【作者】 袁胜

【导师】 王玲; 茅苏;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机技术, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电信业务的不断发展,尤其是近年来3G业务的不断临近,各个运营商向用户提供基于各种不同的“内容”的服务的要求也越来越迫切,从根本上来说,运营商提供各种服务的根本目的是为了获得更高的运营收入,因此,“内容”的引入就必然带来如何计费的业务需求。内容计费相对而言是一个相对广泛的概念,涉及到的因素相当多,本论文就是针对如何实现内容计费这一关键环节,对现有的业务支撑系统进行了分析,并提出了相应的改造建议,使得运营商在现有的网络和业务支撑系统环境下,具有支撑内容计费的实施能力,从而为更多、更丰富的“内容”服务提供了前提和可能。本文从运营商的实际运营现状和业务需求入手,确定了系统要达到的目标,在进行了必要的需求分析的基础上,完成业务支撑系统计费改造的总体规划。并就内容计费的信息采集点、3G网络环境下的实时(real-time)计费等难点做了一些研究,在参考了一些国内外的成果和经验的基础上,提出了可行的解决方案,这些也是本文要重点阐述的内容。基于本文所提出的系统改造方案,经过几个月的开发、测试,目前该系统已在江苏移动投入正式使用。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of telecom business, especially thecloser and closer approach of 3G business in recent years, telecomcarriers are confronted with the increasingly imminent requirement tooffer subscribers services with diversified content. Essentially, theonly and ultimate object carriers offer services is to acquire higherbusiness incoming, therefore, the introduction of content inevitablybrings forth the new business requirement for billing. Relatively,Content-based Billing is a concept with a broad range, and refers to agreat lot of elements. This paper, aiming at the key sector of how toimplement content-based billing, analyses the current businesssupporting systems, then proposes corresponding plans on theirreconstruction, which would enable carriers to support content-basedbilling with existing network infrastructures and business supportingsystem environment, and thereby provides prospect and possibility forservices with more and richer content.This paper starts with the actual operation status and businessrequirement, to establish the target they should reach, and then basedon the necessary analysis of requirement, ends with the integral plansof reconstructing billing system of business supporting system. Moreover,for the difficulties in billing, such as the collection point ofcontent-based billing, the real-time billing in 3G network infrastructure,and etc, this paper does some research, along with reference to domesticand international research result and experience, to propose some viablesolutions and plans, which are also the key points this paper tries toset forth.Based on the system reconstruction plans in this paper, after months ofdevelopment and test, a software realization has been released to production in Jiangsu Mobile Communication Corporation, China.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52;TN915.07
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】135