

【作者】 孙丰敏

【导师】 王海梅;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着微电子技术,计算机网络通讯技术的发展,自动化控制仪表由单一测控表、DCS集散控制系统向分布型现场总线技术发展。现场总线技术是当前自动化领域的应用热点之一。在现场总线技术的应用中,通信的可靠性、可扩展性、速率都很重要。而LonWorks现场总线以其协议的完整性、网络拓朴结构的多样性以及强大的网络通信能力,成为现场总线技术中的佼佼者。因此,采用LonWorks现场总线技术开发软,硬件产品并应用于实际的控制工程中,符合自动化控制的发展方向。本文利用Echelon公司的LonWorks技术,自主开发了基于LonWorks现场总线技术的水箱液位控制系统。以水箱液位控制系统为对象探讨了基于LonWorks技术的分布式控制系统的设计方法。在分布式控制系统中,采用上位机监控级与现场控制级两层体系结构。上位机利用LonWorks面向Windows的LNS技术,采用DDE动态数据交换技术和LonWorks专用通信协议LonTalk协议完成与现场控制节点之间的实时通信。同时,利用网络组态软件Intouch、图形化编程软件Onion和网络管理工具Visual Lon完成智能分布式控制系统软件的开发,最终实现对水箱液位的监视、控制、管理和维护。

【Abstract】 With the development of microelectronics technology and computer networkcommunication technology, the automation control meter has developed on the basis ofdistributed fieldbus technology rather than single control meter. The fieldbus is now thehotspot of application in automation field. In the application of fieldbus technology, somefeatures, such as reliability, expansibility and transfer speed of communication areimportant. And the LonWorks, based on LonWorks technology, with its completeprotocols, diversity of net topology structure and strong ability in network communication,excels in the fieldbus field. So developing software and hardware product with LonWorksfieldbus technology and applying them into control projects is one of the key researchdirections for automatic control meters.In this thesis, a liquid-level control system is developed with LonWorks technologyof Echelon Company and the design method of distributed control system is also discussed.In the system, the architecture is divided into two parts: the level of position machinemonitor and control and field control. Firstly, the windows-oriented LNS technology ofLonWorks is used in position machine, and dynamic data exchange technology andLonTalk protocol are used in the real-time communication between position machine andfield intelligent control nodes. Then Network Configuration Software—Intouch, GraphicProgramming Software—Onion and Network Management Tool—Visual Lon are applied inthe development of intelligent distributed control system software. Finally, four functionsare realized to monitor, control, manage and maintain the liquid-level.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】204