

【作者】 汤迈

【导师】 张琨; 徐枫;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着税收信息化的发展,网上税收业务也得到了蓬勃发展,网上申报作为税务系统网上业务的重要组成部分,安全性的要求往往都是很高的,而税收是国家财政的主要来源,税务系统担负着为国聚财的重任。因此,对税务系统来说,网上申报系统的安全性要求更是非同寻常。本文首先讨论当前网上申报模式、申报流程等,并根据申报模式、数据流程分析研究存在的弱点,在第三部分引入安全隔离网闸(GAP)概念,并研究安全隔离网闸(GAP)在网上申报系统中的实现;在第四部分重点研究网上申报系统中数据的保密性、完整性和不可否认性,引入PKI(公钥基础设施)概念,并研究PKI在网上申报系统中的应用与实现。本文通过分析网上申报弱点,引入安全隔离网闸(GAP)、PKI系统等,为税务系统网上业务安全提供更好的安全保障。

【Abstract】 As the Country to implement well-informed tax system, File tax returns online, as aimportant part of tax information work, innovation of tax collection and administrationsystem in an E-commerce Era. This article analyses the traditional business flow of the filetax return online system, then discusses the security of the file tax return online system. Atthe 3rd part of the article, research the way as using GAP to protect the tax administration’slocal network, and it’s realization. At the 4th part of the article, research the way to realizedata privacy, authenticity, integrality and non-repudiation in file tax return online system,then introduces the PKI system. First introduce the PKI system, then introduces the need ofthe file tax return online security, finally come to the conclusion: only with the PKI systemmanagement dense key and the certificate technology in all kinds of network informationsecurity technology may establish a safe file tax return online system. The paper finally makea summary of the application with PKI and GAP technology in all aspects in the security offile tax return online system.

  • 【分类号】TP393.08
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】228