

【作者】 魏明慧

【导师】 郭毓;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 由于疲劳驾驶导致的交通事故数量不断上升,疲劳驾驶已成为一个严重的社会问题。因此,研制疲劳驾驶监测预警系统,对于避免交通事故,提高交通系统的安全性有着重要意义。本文重点研究了基于视觉的疲劳驾驶监测系统中的一些关键技术,并开发了一套疲劳监测软件系统。本文首先对传统的眼睛模型进行了改进,采用上眼睑高度来判断眼睛状态。其次,研究了眼睛的定位和眼睛特征的提取。在眼睛定位方面,采用了两种实时性较高的算法,形态学方法和积分投影法,对这两种算法在准确率和检测耗时方面进行比较后,确定采用积分投影法。在眼睛特征的提取中,研究了活动轮廓模型(Snake)提取上眼睑,在对上眼睑特征分析的基础上对传统的活动轮廓模型进行了改进,提出了分阶段的活动轮廓模型生长方法,该方法有效地利用了全局信息,减少了检测时间。实验证明该方法在提取上眼睑时能够适应各种眼睛状态,具有较高的正确率。然后,提取了三个疲劳参数,PERCLOS,Eye Closure Time(眼睛闭合时间)和Eye Blink Frequency(眨眼频率)。对于三个疲劳参数的融合,研究采用基于ID3算法的决策树,初步实现了三个疲劳参数的决策树生成和疲劳识别。最后,基于上述研究实现了一套疲劳监测软件系统,通过实验证明了系统能够实时地监测驾驶者的眼睛状态并进行疲劳识别,在实验室环境下有较高的识别率。

【Abstract】 The increasing number of traffic accidents due to a driver’s fatigue has become aserious problem for the society. With the background, developing a system for monitoringthe driver’s level of vigilance and alerting the driver when he fatigues is essential. In thisthesis, a software system is developed for detecting the driver’s fatigue and some keytechnologies are presented.First of all, a new eye model is proposed in our system. According to the model, theheight of upper eyelid is detected to show the eyes’ status.Secondly, the eyes’ locations are found and some features of eyes are detected. Inorder to get the locations of the eyes, two methods are implemented, Morphologicaltransformation algorithm and Grayness integral projection algorithm. The precision andtime cost for the two methods are compared and the latter is better for our system. Activecontour model, which is also named Snake algorithm, is introduced to detect the uppereyelid. Because of the special grads of the eye, an ameliorated snake algorithm is proposed.The new algorithm consists two phases. The first phase utilizes the overall information ofthe edge of the eye to be detected. The second phase utilizes the grads of the eye image.The experimental results show that the new method could detect the upper eyelideffectively.Finally, the three fatigue parameters are picked up, which are PERCLOS, Eye closuretime and Eye blink frequency. ID3 algorithm is introduced to develop a decision tree whichcan use the three parameters to recognize the driver’s fatigue.A software system based on the above technologies is implemented and the system candetect the driver’s eyes and recognize his fatigue in real time. From the running effect ofthis system, the efficiency of this system is very high in the laboratory environment.

  • 【分类号】TP274
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】677