

Research on Series-Parallel Compensated UPS with DSP Controller

【作者】 孟丽婵

【导师】 邢岩;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电能质量问题越来越受到人们的普遍关注,如何为电力系统用户提供安全可靠的“绿色电源”成为目前电源领域的研究热点。串并联补偿式UPS正是近年来适应这种发展潮流,兴起的一种新型UPS系统。与传统的双变换UPS相比,串并联补偿式UPS在系统结构和电能变换上都引入了全新的概念,它既可以补偿非线性负载时的无功电流及谐波电流,同时实现了对电源电压的谐波及基波偏差的补偿,具有输入功率因数高、输出能力强、以及综合的电能质量调节能力等优点。本文主要内容是对基于DSP的串并联补偿式UPS系统的研究。论文首先基于目前电能状况及UPS的发展和分类,阐述了对串并联补偿式UPS系统进行研究的意义;继而介绍了串并联补偿式UPS的系统结构和工作原理,并在此基础上对串并联补偿式UPS的控制策略进行分析和设计;研究了单相电路中各种电流分量的检测方法,设计了适用于数字实现的基于平均值滤波器的单相电路电流基波有功分量检测方法;然后对实验样机的硬件电路及软件实现进行详细的设计;最后在仿真研究的基础上,制作了实验样机,并通过一系列实验,验证了本文应用于串并联补偿式UPS的控制方案和各种具体控制方法的有效性及合理性。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, with the development and prosperity of electronic engineering and industry, more and more attention has been drawn to quality issues of power source. Therefore, it has been popular in the power supply research areas to study how to provide clean and uninterrupted power to electrical power system users. As a novel UPS system, the series-parallel compensated UPS appeared under the trend. Compared with the traditional double-conversion UPS, the series-parallel compensated UPS introduces the brand-new concept, it can be designed of smaller power rating, thus increasing the system efficiency and enhancing the operating reliability.The series-parallel compensated UPS system with DSP controller is studied in this thesis. Firstly, significance of the research in series-parallel compensated UPS is explored, based on the current power quality, along with the development and classification of UPS. Then the system structure and operational principle are described, accordingly, the control strategy is analyzed and designed. The detecting methods of each current component for single phase circuit is thoroughly studied, a detecting method of single phase fundamental active current based on averaging filter is designed. Then the detailed design process for series-parallel compensated UPS with DSP controller is provided. Finally, a PSIM simulation model of series-parallel compensated UPS is built up and the experimental prototype has been developed. The simulation and experimental results validate the performance and rationality of proposed analysis and design.

  • 【分类号】TN86
  • 【被引频次】1
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