

The Research and Development of the Airport Surface Traffic Management System Based on VSAT/GIS Technology

【作者】 秦言磊

【导师】 韩松臣;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 交通信息工程与控制, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在世界航空业日益发展的影响下,我国的航空运输业也以国民经济的迅速发展为依托得到了空前的发展。国内的各机场规模迅速扩张导致机场上充斥着航空器和各种服务车辆。为了保证机场场面的安全性,机场场面监视与管理系统的研究得到了广泛的重视。机场场面管理系统能够保障机场交通安全、提高机场吞吐率以及改善机场的服务质量,因此它的研究具有非常重要的意义。本文结合国际上机场场面监视与管理系统的研究现状和先进理念,提出了一种新的机场场面交通管理系统—基于VSAT/GIS的机场场面交通管理系统。系统集成了停机位分配、VSAT通信技术、路经规划和滑行引导、GPS定位技术、GIS技术,并且辅助以计算机软件技术。系统具有完善的功能,特别是将停机位分配引入系统是本文的一大创新,对于系统是一个重大的补充。在路经规划与滑行引导模块,本文将当今最为流行的人工智能中的启发式搜索算法A~*算法与智能交通技术结合在一起,形成了一种新的搜索思想。

【Abstract】 On the impact of the development of the world’s aviation industry, the aviation transport service of our country is developing drastically on the base of the civil economy. Swiftly extending in count of airports in our country leads to the phenomenon that the airport surface are full filled with aircrafts and all kinds of vehicles for service. In order to ensure the security of airport surface, the airport surface surveillance and traffic management system(SSTMS) gets the extensive attention. Airport surface traffic management can ensure the security of the traffic of the airport, increase the thuoughput of airport, improve service quality of airport, hence the development of SSTMS is a very important thing. This paper has put forward a new SSTMS—the airport surface traffic management system based on VSAT/GIS technologies by reference to the international research status in SSTMS. The system integrates gate assignment and evaluation, VAST communication technology, the route plan and taxi guiding on airport, GPS position technology, GIS technology and computer software engineering as an auxiliary technology. The system has perfect functions, especially, the introduce of the gate assignment is a kind of innovation and viewed as an import supplement of the former System. In the model of route plan and taxi guiding, we combine A~* arithmetic which is the most popular heuristic arithmetic in artificial intelligence technology with the intellectual traffic technology to formulate a new idea.

  • 【分类号】V351.3
  • 【被引频次】7
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