

Study on Nokia Products and Its Distribution Channel

【作者】 郑婉仪

【导师】 杨建华;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中国手机市场的现状似乎并不乐观:营销及渠道成本增加、利润摊薄、技术竞争激烈。随着3G时代的来临,运营商加入到手机产业链中,会给国外内品牌的手机带来什么?本文在对诺基亚手机产品和渠道管理的描述进行理论综述及实践阐述的基础上,探讨了产品个性化及FD(省级直控分销商)渠道模式在手机发展策略中的应用与创新,并对国产品牌的手机的发展提出了建议。本文认为,FD模式不能完全适合每一个手机行业,FD模式做法主要有二:一是进行缩减全国性分销商的数量,改以省级分销商作为渠道力量的核心;二是进行产品直供到零售终端的实验。手机销量和分销渠道是辨证统一的。巨大的手机销量要靠庞大的分销渠道来实现,以此覆盖到全国范围;而庞大的分销渠道又支撑起巨大的手机销量,从而达到一种规模优势。FD模式是诺基亚在中国市场摸索出来的,它恰好可以实现上述两者间的最佳结合点。通过渠道扁平化缩减中间环节,可以把一部分利润转移支付给庞大的分销渠道(即FD和终端零售商)。同时也能进一步拉低手机价格去抢占更多的市场。FD模式是一套适合诺基亚这种产销量大的知名品牌的分销模式,但不一定适合所有厂商。这是因为首先要求采用FD模式的厂商品牌认知度要很高,这样才会团结一批零售商组成联盟。此外,产品线一定要丰富,这样才会形成大批量的市场出货量。除了渠道的经验外,本文也介绍了合理的手机产品线分类及定位是当今竞争中的取胜亮点。诺基亚体现的精品化北欧气质路线将北欧生活方式和生活态度融入到产品的概念之中,进一步的推动了中国消费者的认同感。除了将人性化的各种因素融合到产品中之外,准确的产品定位是诺基亚产品成功原因之一。最后根据这些经验对国产手机提出了在渠道创新,产品设计等方面提出了建议。

【Abstract】 It seems that the cell phone market in China is not as optimistic as expected because of the product surplus, profit decrease and the severe technical competition in the market. Along with the coming of the 3G age, more and more cell phone operators will join the industry link to share the market. What kind of influence will happen on both Chinese local and international brands of cell phones in China?Based on the description of Nokia cell phone product development and its channel management, analysing some relevant theories, this paper discusses the application and creativity of cell phone customization and FD mode in the cell phone strategy, it also provides some suggestion on the development of Chinese cell phone products.This paper indicates that there are two ways of FD mode: 1) to decrease the number of distributors scattering in the whole country; 2) to supply products directly to retail terminals. Nokia creates the FD mode in the China market because it exactly matches the above mentioned advantages. Since the distribution layers are simplified, some profit can be moved to the distribution channel - FD and retail terminals. Hence, the phone producers can grab more market shares with a lower cost. FD mode only suits to apply to such distribution mode with huge production and selling quantity as Nokia, but not all cell phone producers in the market. That’s because it requires the producers who apply the FD mode should have built up good brand recognition in the market, which can attracts groups of retailers. Further more, FD mode also requires a rich variety of product lines which ensures significant quantity of products in the market. There is no FD advantage without product quantity.Apart from the distribution channel, this paper illustrates that the variety of cell phone product lines and the design management are also important. Nokia’s delicate product design well demonstrates the North European’s culture and lifestyle. Nokia aims to keep a brilliant design style on the phone products by using personalised elements.Finally, the paper suggests the Chinese cell phone producers should put more efforts on the distribution channels and product design to win the market.

【关键词】 FD模式分销渠道产品设计
【Key words】 FD modedistribution channelproduct design
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】F274;F426.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】2030