

The Research on New Express Layout and Content Reform

【作者】 汪建春

【导师】 薛国林;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本篇论文以《新快报》改扩版研究为选题,本文选取的研究对象《新快报》,1998年3月30日创办于广州,创刊时是对开大报,创办8年后在2006年3月30日改为四开小报。这就使它同时具备了“大报小报化”和高度市场化这样两个研究背景。把它选为研究对象,因此具备了更强的样本意义。本文通过对1998年3月30创刊以来《新快报》改扩版活动分时期进行了梳理,对《新快报》改扩版的历程、背景、内容、效果进行了全面归纳分析。在这一基础上,对《新快报》改扩版活动的发展规律进行了理论总结。本文的创新之处主要有:选取的研究样本具有独特性,第一次把《新快报》改扩版的历程分为三个时期:即对开薄报时期、对开厚报时期、四开厚报时期。在《新快报》改扩版的背景分析上,把“大报小报化”理论应用到《新快报》的改版研究中来,为本文赋予了一定的理论色彩。本文从报纸定位思想的调整、版面信息内容的变革、版面编排方式的创新三个方面全面归拢了9年来《新快报》改扩版的内容。资料翔实、信息丰富,角度新颖,结论鲜明。本文采用跨学科的学术研究方法,以文本研究、内容分析、比较分析为主要方法,新闻学、传播学、社会学、统计学构成了这项研究的经纬。

【Abstract】 This article is on New Express layout and content reform. When New Express started publication on March 30, 1998, it was two-double big layout; but eight years later, on March 30, 2006, New Express changed its layout into four-double small layout. This reform of layout makes New Express become miniature and is popular with the readers, so New Express is an ideal sample for studying newspaper layout and content reform. Through studying News Express since March 30, 1998, the author comprehensively analyzes and summarizes the course, background, content and effect of New Express layout and content reform. On this study basis, the author figures out the development rules of New Express innovation and the theoretical conclusion. The innovation of article is: the selection of sample is unique, and the author firstly divides New Express reform into three periods: two-double thin newspaper period, two-double thick newspaper period and four-double thick newspaper period. In this article, interdisciplinary academic research methods is introduced to study New Express samples, including text study, content analysis, comparative analysis, communications, sociology, statistics etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期
  • 【分类号】G219.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】279