

The Study of the Canopy Temperature and Physiological Characteristics of Cotton

【作者】 韩磊

【导师】 王长发;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 生态学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 棉花是我国重要的经济作物,在栽培过程中,棉花蕾铃脱落、早衰现象严重,产量和品质都受到了极大的影响。冠层温度低的棉花品种是否和冷型小麦一样具有植株活力较强、代谢水平较高、后劲较足的特点,引起了作者较大的兴趣。本试验在气候和土壤背景相同且栽培条件完全一致的一个小尺度范围内,自花期开始,对中棉41、炮台1号、豫422和中棉5629这四个棉花品种的冠层温度以及一系列生理代谢参数进行了研究,试验结果表明:1.不同基因型棉花的冠层温度存在分异现象自花期至吐絮期间,不同基因型棉花品种群体冠层温度出现了分异现象,有的偏低,有的偏暖,中棉41和炮台1号温度大多位于基准线之下,温度明显偏低,而豫422和中棉5629温度则大多位于基准线之上,温度明显偏高。对冠层温度的日序变化的显著性分析结果表明,不同温度类型棉花之间的差异都达到了极显著水平;在冠层温度日变化的显著性分析中,在各时间点不同温度类型之间的差异也几乎都达到了显著甚至极显著水平。2.不同基因型棉花的生理特性存在着差异(1)低温棉花的叶绿素含量在盛花期后一直保持在一个较高的水平,其叶绿素含量随生育期的推移降解速度较暖温棉花平缓,这说明了低温棉花有较高的光能利用效率,具备抗早衰的潜力。显著性分析结果表明,不同温度类型棉花之间,中棉41号与豫422和中棉5629之间存在着差异显著,但炮台1号与豫422和中棉5629之间未达到显著性水平。(2)低温棉花在各个时期的可溶性蛋白质含量几乎都高于暖温棉花,在生育后期,可溶性蛋白质含量下降速度较快,但是低温棉花的下降幅度略低于暖温棉花,再次证实了其代谢功能优于暖温棉花。显著性分析结果表明,不同温度类型棉花之间都存在着显著性差异,炮台1号与中棉5629之间的差异更是达到了极显著水平。(3)低温棉花较高温型棉花在多数时期保持着较高的SOD活性,下降幅度也较为缓慢,说明低温棉花具有较强的减轻活性氧或其它过氧化物自由基对细胞膜系统伤害的能力,代谢功能较好。显著性分析结果表明,不同温度类型棉花之间,中棉41号与豫422和中棉5629之间都存在着显著性差异,炮台1号与中棉5629之间存在着显著性差异,但炮台1号与豫422之间未达到显著性水平。(4)低温棉花的硝酸还原酶活性在各个时期基本保持了较高的活性,在生育后期的下降幅度也较为缓慢,说明了低温棉花比暖温棉花具有较高的氮肥利用能力,具备高产的基础。显著性分析结果表明,不同温度类型棉花之间,中棉41号与豫422和中棉5629之间存在着显著性差异,但是炮台1号与豫422和中棉5629之间均未达到显著性水平。(5)不同基因型棉花叶片的MDA含量随生育期的推移呈明显上升趋势,低温棉花增加速度缓慢,积累量较少,暖温棉花增加速度较快,积累量大,表明低温棉花膜脂过氧化程度较轻,再次证实了其代谢功能优于暖温棉花。显著性分析结果表明,不同温度类型棉花之间,中棉41号与豫422和中棉5629之间存在着显著性差异,炮台1号与豫422之间也达到了显著性水平,但炮台1号与中棉5629之间却未达到显著性水平。(6)在吐絮后,低温棉花和暖温棉花的可溶性糖含量差异增大,低温棉花保持了较高的可溶性糖含量,证明了低温棉花比暖温棉花在后期具有更强的渗透调节能力,具备更好的抵抗逆境的能力。显著性分析结果表明,不同温度类型棉花之间,中棉41号与中棉5629之间存在着显著性差异,其它的均未达到显著性水平。3.不同基因型棉花的气孔交换特性存在着差异(1)低温棉花在各个时期的蒸腾速率都高于暖温棉花。高的蒸腾速率不仅有利于植株体温的降低,还为植株的生长发育提供了较多的矿质养分,并为光合作用的顺利进行提供了较充足的水分,并且有利于CO2反向进入植株体内显著性分析结果表明,不同温度类型棉花之间,中棉41号与豫422和中棉5629之间存在着显著性差异,炮台1号与中棉5629之间也达到了显著性水平,但炮台1号与豫422之间却未达到显著性水平。(2)随着生育期的推进,低温棉花和暖温棉花的叶片净光合速率差异增大,低温棉花的叶片净光合速率明显高于暖温棉花,这对产量的提高创造了非常有利的条件。显著性分析结果表明,不同温度类型棉花之间,中棉41号与豫422和中棉5629之间存在着显著性差异,炮台1号与中棉5629之间也达到了显著性水平,但炮台1号与豫422之间却未达到显著性水平。(3)低温棉花较暖温棉花在各个时期的都具备较高的气孔导度,气孔传导能力强,代谢功能旺盛。显著性分析结果表明,不同温度类型棉花之间都存在着显著性差异。4.不同基因型棉花的产量构成存在差异低温棉花比暖温棉花具有较低的蕾铃脱落率和较高的产量,两种温度类型棉花的皮棉产量和蕾铃脱落率均达到了显著性差异。

【Abstract】 The crop canopy temperature and its related physiological characteristics of cotton are not only varied with the genotypes but also influenced with the climate and soil, and related with the high burliness and the productivity. In order to clarify the differences of the crop canopy temperature and its related physiological characteristics of the different genotypes, this paper focus on the study of the characters of the functional leaf senescence and the activated oxygen metabolism through the comparative study of the Liaomian 1 hao (served as reference), Zhongmian 41 hao, Paotai 1 hao,Yu422, Zhongmian 5629. We measured the co㎜ unity canopy temperature, the content of the chlorophyll and the Soluble protein, the activity of the SOD and MDA at the florescence under the same conditions. The results showed that the content of the chlorophyll and the Soluble protein of the cold type cotton decreased more slowly than that of the warm type cotton, with quite high activity of the SOD and NR but decrease to a quite small extent. The accumulation speed of the MDA of the cold type cotton is also more slowly than that of the warm type cotton. These results indicated that the canopy temperature can be a external signature of the metabolic function of the cotton, and can provide the theory basis for the cotton breeding in the field practice.1. Different genotypes of cotton canopy temperature differentiation phenomenon exists since the flowering period to the opening of a boll, different genotypes of cotton varieties Canopy temperature of a differentiation, some low, some 1982-98. CCRI 41 on the 1st and Fort temperature mostly in the baseline, the temperature is low. and Henan 422 and the 5629 Cotton temperature mostly in the base line, a higher temperature. Canopy temperature of the sequence changes in the significant results indicate that temperature-the difference between cotton have reached a significant level; the canopy temperature variation of the significant analysis, in the time-temperature difference between the differential has almost reached a significant or very significant level.2. Different genotypes of cotton physiological characteristics there is a difference of(1) Hypothermia cotton chlorophyll content in full bloom after consistently holders at a high level, its chlorophyll content with the growth period of degradation goes faster than cotton gently warm, This shows that the low-temperature cotton higher energy use efficiency, with the potential anti premature senility. Significant results show that the different temperatures between the type of cotton, CCRI 41, and Yu 422 and cotton between 5629 there were significant, But on the 1st and Fort yu 422 and cotton between 5629 has not reached a significant level.(2) Hypothermia cotton in various periods of soluble protein content higher than that of almost all warm cotton, in the late childbearing, soluble protein content decreased faster, but the low-temperature decrease in cotton slightly lower than warm cotton, again confirmed its metabolic function better than warm cotton. Significant results show that the different temperatures between the cotton-exist significant differences, Fort on the 1st and cotton difference between the 5629 is now at a very significant level.(3)Hypothermia cotton-cotton than at most times in maintaining high SOD activity, decline rates are relatively slow, Note hypothermia cotton has strong reduce reactive oxygen peroxide or other free radical damage to the membrane system, metabolic function better. Significant results show that the different temperatures between the type of cotton, CCRI 41, and Yu 422 and cotton between 5629 there were significant differences Fort on the 1st and cotton between 5629 there were significant differences But on the 1st Battery 422 between Henan and has not reached a significant level.(4)Hypothermia cotton nitrate reductase activity in each period remained relatively high activity, in the latter part of the decline in fertility rates are relatively slow, Note the low-temperature cotton than warm cotton with high nitrogen use capacity, high-yield basis. Significant results show that the different temperatures between the type of cotton, CCRI 41, and Yu 422 and cotton between 5629 there were significant differences But on the 1st and Fort yu 422 and cotton between 5629 did not reach significant levels.(5) Different genotypes of cotton leaves MDA with the passage of reproductive age have been showing a rising trend, Cotton low temperature increase is slow, less accumulation, warm cotton increased faster accumulation, Cotton showed low temperature membrane lipid peroxidation lesser extent, again confirmed its metabolic function better than warm cotton. Significant results show that the different temperatures between the type of cotton, CCRI 41, and Yu 422 and cotton between 5629 there were significant differences Fort on the 1st and Henan between 422 also reached a significant level, But Fort on the 1st and cotton between 5629 failed to reach a significant level.(6) In the opening of a boll, the temperature was mild hypothermia cotton cotton difference soluble sugar content increases, Cotton hypothermia maintain a higher soluble sugar content, Cotton proved that the low temperature than warm cotton in the late stronger with the osmotic adjustment capacity, better ability to resist adversity. Significant results show that the different temperatures between the type of cotton, CCRI 41 with cotton between 5629 there were significant differences, the other did not reach the significant level.3. Different genotypes of cotton stomatal characteristics of the existence of exchange differences(1) Hypothermia cotton in various periods of the transpiration rate is high in warm cotton. High transpiration rate is not only beneficial to the plant to lower the temperature, but also for the growth and development of plants provide more mineral nutrients, and for the smooth conduct photosynthesis provide a more adequate moisture, It will facilitate access to reverse CO2 significantly in vivo analysis of the results showed that the different temperatures between the type of cotton, CCRI 41, and Yu 422 and cotton between 5629 there were significant differences Fort on the 1st and cotton between 5629 up to a significant level, But on the 1st Battery 422 between Henan and not statistically significant level.(2) With the advance of reproductive age, low cotton WARM_TEMPERATE cotton leaf net photosynthetic rate and the difference increased, hypothermia cotton leaf net photosynthetic rate significantly higher than that of warm cotton, which increase the yield created very favorable conditions. Significant results show that the different temperatures between the type of cotton, CCRI 41, and Yu 422 and cotton between 5629 there were significant differences Fort on the 1st and cotton between 5629 up to a significant level, But on the 1st Battery 422 between Henan and not statistically significant level.(3) Hypothermia cotton than warm cotton in different periods of time have a higher stomatal conductance, stomatal conduction ability, Metabolic Function exuberant. Significant results show that the different temperatures between the cotton-exist significant differences.4. Different genotypes of cotton yield differences hypothermia cotton than warm cotton buds with a lower rate and higher exfoliated The yield, two temperature-cotton lint yield and Leiling expulsion rate reached a significant difference.

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