

A Study of Perfecting the Legal System of Water Right in China

【作者】 朱保建

【导师】 田义文;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 水是生命的源泉,农业的命脉,工业的血液,是生态系统中最活跃,影响最广泛的要素,水资源是生物赖以生存的重要环境资源,是社会经济发展的重要物质基础,在我国,水资源长期以来被当作一种免费资源,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,水资供求矛盾愈加凸现。在我国,水资源总量虽然不少,但人均占有量却只是世界的1/4。被列为水资源十分贫困的16个国家之一。加上我国水资源在地区和季节上的分布不均匀,很多地区正面临着非常严重的水危机。缺水城市达300多个,且缺水量1600万吨以上,农业每年因灌溉不足减产粮食250多万吨。工农业生产和居民生活都受到很大的影响。为了解决这一问题,对水资源进行全方位的法律调整,就显得非常紧迫,水权法律制度作为基础的一环必须引起重视。然而,我国的水权法律制度建设刚刚起步,诸多方面需要完善。本文将用历史的,比较的方法研究水权法律制度。通过分析水权制度产生的历史根源和社会背景,比较外国多种水权制度的优劣,形成对水权制度全面、科学的认识,结合中国的国情,对我国水权法律制度的建设提供切实可行的建议。笔者将主要针对市场对水资源的调配,水权交易等问题进行探讨。全文分六个部分,依次为:第一章“文献综述”介绍了水资源的重要性以及我国水资源的状况,从中显现选题的目的和意义。简述论文的研究方法,创新之处及预期成果。第二章“水权概述”介绍了水权的概念,性质及法律构成。关于水权的概念,笔者结合了当今国内的主要观点,从我国的国情和立法看待和界定水权的概念,将水权定位为排除水资源所有权的一束权利。关于水权的性质,定位为特殊物权或者准物权,兼有私权和公权的性质。第三章“国外水权制度综述”通过纵向介绍国外历史上产生的各种水权制度和横向的对各个主要国家的现行的水权法律制度的论述,从中吸取其经验,为我所用。第四章“水权的配置制度”是水权法律制度的重要部分。通过当前中国水权配置制度中介绍,可以看出市场手段在水权配置中的缺失。在今后的水权配置过程中,应该加强市场手段的作用。第五章“水权交易制度”是水权法律制度的核心。本章通过水权交易在我国的发展,从理论层面分析水权交易的必要性和可行性,水权交易的法律依据,明确水权交易的环节。第六章“水权管理体制的完善”是水权法律制度的重要部分之一。完善的管理制度能够促进水权法律制度的尽快建立。我国的新《水法》确立了流域管理和区域管理相结合的管理体制,改变我国了我国“多龙治水”的局面,但我国的流域管理机构还不是很成熟,有待于进一步完善。本章对水权管理体制的完善提出一些建议。

【Abstract】 Water is regarded as the source of life, lifeline of agriculture, and blood of industry. A most active and influential factor in the ecosystem, the water resource is an important environmental resource on which all kinds of lives heavily depend, and is the indispensable material foundation for the social and economic development. In China, water has been provided for free. With the development of the market economy, however, the supply of water cannot meet the ever increasing demand. China boasts a vast amount of water resource, but the amount per capita in China is just a quarter of that in the world. This is further worsened by the uneven distribution of water resource in terms of season and region. So the picture unfolding in front of us is rather disturbing: more than 300 cities, lacking over 16 million tons of water, are facing a water crisis, the sector of agriculture annually suffers on average a loss of 2.5 million tons of grain due to water shortage, and the industry and daily life of people in urban areas are also noticeably affected.This thesis explores the water right in Chinese legal system with a historical and comparative approach. Through studying the historical and social background of Chinese water right, and comparing different legal systems in this regard in different countries, the thesis analyzes Chinese water right in a overall and scientific manner, and offers some practical proposals for the further development of the water right. The writer mainly focuses on the distribution of the water resource by the market system and the trade of water right. The six chapters composing this thesis are as follows:Chapter One An Introduction to the Thesis This part introduces the significance and current situation of Chinese water resource, including the purpose and significance of the thesis. This chapter also briefs the research methods adopted in this thesis, innovations achieved in the process and results we expect.Chapter Two About the water right This part includes the concept, nature and legal aspects of the water right. After reviewing the prevailing opinions, the writer defines the water right as a cluster of rights related to water except for the proprietary right.Chapter Three A Bird View of the Legal Systems for Water Right in Other Countries This chapter, through reviewing other countries’different legal systems for water right adopted today and in the past, draws some lessons for the improvement of corresponding system.Chapter Four The System of Granting the Water Right This system is crucial to the legal system of water right. From the system currently being implemented in China, we may learn the absence of market measures, and come to realize that they deserve an important role in the system.Chapter Five The System of Trading Water Right This part is the central core of the legal system of water right. This chapter theoretically deals with the necessity and feasibility of the system, the legal basis as well as the practice of the trading.Chapter Six The Improvement of the Management System for Water Right A sound management system helps to establish the legal system for water right as soon as possible. A new management system, combining the basin and region management, has been set up in China’s new Law of Water, putting an end to the former irrational management system. However, the basin management is far from being completed, and the writer attempts to offer some suggestions for its improvement.

  • 【分类号】D922.66
  • 【被引频次】5
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