

Research and Application of Data Exchange in the Third-Party Logistics Based on ebXML

【作者】 王景

【导师】 赵燕伟;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着第三方物流企业在国民经济中的重要性不断加强,物流企业与贸易伙伴间的交互日益密切,如何在他们之间快捷、可靠地交换大量的业务数据,已经成为第三方物流信息化研究中面临的重要课题。本文在浙江省重大科技攻关项目(编号:2003C11033)的直接资助下,针对第三方物流企业中的数据交换问题,开展了基于ebXML规范的关键技术研究,综合运用其中的CPPA和ebMS规范、Agent技术建立了数据交换框架,开发了基于ebXML的第三方物流数据交换系统,实现了数据交换的功能,具有重要的应用价值。本文主要研究内容如下:(1)提出了一种B/S模式下CPPA文档构建组件,并采用了智能Agent技术来实现商品价格与交易时间限制的自动协商机制,提高了CPA文档合成的效率;同时,提出采用二层次方法来扩展了CPA文档对业务数据的承载能力。(2)详细研究了ebMS核心代码,并依据第三方物流企业内在数据传输要求,研究设计第三方物流中的消息服务功能组件,有效保证了消息的传输,提高了传输的安全性与可靠性。(3)构建了一个第三方物流企业数据交换系统,并成功实施到浙江省杭州富日物流企业,取得较好效果。通过上述内容的研究与系统实际运行状况,验证了本文所提出的数据交换系统的可行性与有效性。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the third-party logistics (TPL) enterprises have play anincreasingly important role in the national economy developing and theinteraction between the TPL and business partners also becomes closer.Then how to exchange the business data faster and more reliable hasbecome a very important topic to study in the TPL information researcharea.Under the direct subsidy of the key scientific and technologicalprojects in Zhejiang (ID: 2003C11033), the key technologies of ebXMLhave been researched to solve the data exchange issues in TPL. Thesetechnologies of ebXML include Agent and specification of CPPA andebMS are used together to set up a date exchange framework. Base on thisframework, the system of data exchange in the TPL based on ebXML hasbeen developed which has a very important value in the date exchange area.The main contents are as follows:(1) The CPPA documents construction component on B/S model ispresented. The Intelligent Agent technology is adopted to implement the automatic consulting mechanism of the trading price and time limits, whichhas a big efficiency improvement for the CPA documents synthesis. And,the second-level law is put forward to strengthen the business data carryingcapacity of CPA documents.(2) The core code of ebMS has been researched and developed for thedemand of message deliver in the TPL. The message service componenthas been designed and developed to guarantee the transmission securityand reliability of CPPA documents.(3) The system of data exchange in the TPL has been developed andapplied in the company of Furi in Hangzhou.Through the research of the above content and the actual operation ofsystem, the feasibility and effectiveness of data exchange system has beenproved.

【关键词】 第三方物流ebXML数据交换CPPAebMS
【Key words】 third-party logisticsebXMLdata exchangeCPPAebMS
  • 【分类号】TP312.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】183