

Interests、Identity and the Construction of the U.S.-Turkey Alliance

【作者】 朱梅莹

【导师】 王坚德;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 世界史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随第二次世界大战的结束以及国际、国内政治的变化,美、苏在国家安全战略利益上的调整使得战时同盟关系逐渐破裂,美国重新确定了它在世界政治中尤其在中东这一至关重要地区的对外政策。苏土关系的急剧恶化使得土耳其无法继续奉行战时的中立政策,在这场区域性的土耳其海峡危机中,美国出台了注入独特外交的“杜鲁门主义”促使两个实力相差悬殊、发展不平衡的国家迅速建立起了战略同盟关系。针对这一现象,该文先从地缘战略角度、国家安全利益的角度分析美土在“冷战”初期结盟的原因,后试图利用建构主义的研究视角进行分析,从认同政治的角度去认识美土战略同盟可以在一定程度上弥补传统现实主义理论在解释问题上的某些不足。

【Abstract】 After the World War II, with the changes in international and domestic politics, the United States and the Soviet Union have begun to readjust their national security strategies and led to the collapse of the alliance gradually. The United States redefined its identity in the world politics and readjusted its interests of security strategy in Middle East. From late 1940’s, the Soviet Union posed a serious threat to Turkey. During the Turkish Straits Crisis, The U.S. protected Turkey from the Soviet Union’s threat and declared The Truman Doctrine which offered Turkey a great deal of economic and military aid. In 1952 Turkey was admitted to NATO, so the strategic relationship of U.S.-Turkey Alliance was set up. Taking the social constructive approach, the thesis analyses the strengthening of the U.S.-Turkey alliance at the beginning of the Cold War, and explains that it has been caused, in a greater degree, by shared the ideas and collective identities the two states have. An understanding of the U.S.-Turkey alliance through the identity politics may help make up for the realist’ inefficiency in the alliance theory.

  • 【分类号】K153
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】146