

Study on University Female Students’ Horizon of Expectation about Converting Athletics Movement into Teaching Material

【作者】 郭艳

【导师】 陈融;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 本文借鉴接受美学的研究方法,从学生对田径跳跃类竞技运动项目(该文简称:竞跳项目)学习的期待与需求的角度,通过文献法、问卷调查法、主成分分析法、帕累托分析法等方法,分析与论证学生对竞跳项目教材化的期待视野的构成、影响因素及其层次。提取了活动过程期待、活动功能期待、生活需求期待、自我发展期待和精神调节期待等五大因子作为学生对竞跳项目教材化的期待视野的组成成分,并分析各自的贡献状况。讨论了影响这一期待视野的主要因素,它们依次是:个人的兴趣、爱好、追求;自身的身体素质条件;学校的竞跳场地设施;体育教师的专业技能和教学技巧;竞跳课堂学习氛围;老师所选的竞跳教材是否实用、难易度是否合适。分析了学生期待视野的层次,包括社会认知层面,个人兴趣、情感满足层面和超越自我层面。在此基础上,指出学生的期待视野是指导竞技运动教材化的重要依据之一,并根据这一主线,探讨学生期待视野的提升问题和学生对竞跳项目各种教材化结果的不同期待视野。最后,进一步说明期待视野理论在竞跳运动教材化研究中的作用和局限性。希望对竞技运动教材化的实践有一定的指导作用。

【Abstract】 This article draw lessons from research methods of Acception Aesthetic, take the angle ofstudents’ expectation and needs to the study of Jump athletics movement in track and field (thisarticle abbreviate as: jump competition items), analyzing and demonstrating the construction,affecting Factors and the levels of students’ expectation horizon about converting jumpcompetition items into teaching material through literature, questionnaire survey, the principalcomponent analysis, Pareto analysis methods and so on. Withdrew the active processexpectation, active function expectation, life demand expectation, self-development expectationand adjusting spirit expectation as the five major factors of students’ horizon of expectation, thenanalyze apiece contribution to the situation. Discussing the main factors that affected thehorizon of expectation, they are in turn: individual interest, hobby, pursue; personal physicalquality condition; school’s jump competition sites and facilities; PE teacher’s professional skillsand teaching skills; study atmosphere of jump competition class; whether the jump competitionteaching material that the teacher choose is practical, and the difficulty level is appropriate.Analyzing the levels of the students’ horizon of expectation, including social awarenesslevel; contenting personal interest, feeling level and the level of surpassing oneself. In thisfoundation, pointing out that the students’ horizon of expectation is one of the most importantinstructions, which guiding how to convert athletics movement into teaching material. Thenaccording to the main line, discussing the problem of how to promote the students’ horizon ofexpectation, and the different horizon of expectation to each converting result. Finally, furtherexplains the function and limitation of the horizon of expectation theory used in the research ofconverting jump competition items into teaching material. Wish to have certain guidingfunction to the practice of converting athletics movement into teaching material.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】176