

Study of Technical and Economic Feasibility on Reused Water from the Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant in Fuzhou

【作者】 王珊珊

【导师】 张江山;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 环境科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究首次以福州市洋里污水处理厂达标出水回用为例,从政策、技术、效益、社会等多方面调查分析了福州市开展中水回用工程的必要性和可行性,并运用系统分析方法进行综合评价。首先通过问卷调查来了解福州市民对于开展中水回用工程的接受程度,分析影响居民使用中水的各因素间的相关关系,它与文化层次、对中水的了解程度呈正相关性,而与性别、年龄、收入呈负相关性,这为今后开展工作提供依据;其次,技术可行性主要是从源水、水质、供水的安全性、回用途径、管网铺设等方面展开分析。通过走访相关部门实地调查,预测出2010年福州市中水使用量为35万t/d,回用于园林绿化、冲洒马路、洗车、冲厕等其他方面;铺设中水管道约24.92km,总投资经估算约为3541.6万元。中水年运行费用约为2532.48万元,年净效益为6780万元,效益—费用比为1.91,效益高于投资。对福州市中水回用工程综合评价结果,技术、经济和社会因素三者的权重分别为0.637、0.258、0.105,其中技术指标所占的比重最大。因此,在开展中水回用工程初期,对中水的水质达标率、设计能力的利用率、中水利用率等方面进行充分的调查和论证就尤为重要。结果表明,福州市洋里污水处理厂达标出水回用可行性较高,具有较高的经济、环境和社会效益。

【Abstract】 This is the first sewage treatment plant in Fuzhou reusing standard example. We willfrom the policy, technology, efficiency, Fuzhou social aspects of the investigation carryout the necessity and feasibility of middle water reuse project, and evaluate system andmethod of application.First through a questionnaire survey carded out for the public to understand Fuzhouwater reuse project acceptance, analysis of the factors affecting the use of the correlationbetween water, and the cultural level, the degree what is middle water is positivelycorrelated, gender, age, income is negatively correlated, which will provide the basis forthe future; Secondly, technical feasibility mostly analysis from the source water, watersafety, recycling means, laying of pipe network, and other aspects of analysis. Thtoughvisiting the relevant departments,we predict the using volume of middle water will be350,000 tons by 2010 in Fuzhou, it can use in landscaping, rushing onto the road, washingcars, flushing and other fields; it will lay pipe 24.92km, the total investment is estimated at35.416 million yuan, the annual expenses is about 25.3248 millon yuan, the annual netbenefit is 67.8 million yuan, the benefit-cost ratio is 1.91, benefit is higher thaninvestment.The evaluation result of middle water reused project in Fuzhou, technical, economicand social factors the weight of three is 0.637, 0.258, 0.105, the largest share is technicalspecifications.Therefore, in the early phase of the project, it is particularly important to theinvestigation and verification on the middle water quality standard, rate of capacityutilization, full utilization of middle water.The results show that feasibility reusing water from the sewage treatment plant inFuzhou has a higher standard, which has the higher the economy, environmental andsocial benefits.

  • 【分类号】X703
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