

【作者】 赵伟艳

【导师】 崔成学;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 教育学原理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 运用比较教育学、教育心理学、心理语言学以及有关英语学习的理论,采用文献法、调查法、比较法等研究方法,对延吉市朝、汉小学生英语学习策略情况进行比较研究。依据Oxford策略量表和《英语课程标准》策略目标设计了调查问卷,随机对延吉市五所朝鲜族学校和两所汉族学校的四、五、六年级学生进行调查。共发放问卷1000份,收回有效问卷931份。运用比较法对朝汉小学生英语学习策略情况进行比较,通过分析调查数据得出以下结论:1.朝、汉小学生的英语学习策略水平一般。汉族学生策略使用平均数是3.14,朝鲜族学生策略水平平均数是3.21。2.朝、汉小学生的英语学习策略水平不存在显著差异。但双方交际策略使用存在显著差异,P<0.05。汉族学生除记忆策略外,其他策略水平均低于朝鲜族小学生。3.无论是朝鲜族还是汉族学生,在策略使用上性别差异显著,女生在各项英语策略水平上都高于男生。汉族男女学生在总体策略水平上存在显著性差异,P<0.05。但在各项策略中,汉族男女生只在认知策略和元认知策略上存在显著性差异。相对汉族学生,朝鲜族学生男女生间的策略差异更加显著,P<0.001。并且朝鲜族男女生在六种策略上都存在显著性差异。4.朝鲜族小学生同汉族学生一样,不同年级学生不存在显著性差异。但汉族小学生策略使用情况是四年级>五年级>六年级,朝鲜族学生是四年级<五年级<六年级。5.不同学校学生的策略水平存在差异,有些学校之间差异显著。就读于汉族学校的朝鲜族学生策略水平略高于本校的汉族学生,其中认知策略差异显著,P<0.05。这些朝鲜族学生的策略水平还高于朝鲜族学校的本民族学生,但双方不存在显著性差异。针对调查和分析结果,提出了提高学生策略水平的建议。包括:明确学习策略培养的目标;制订培养学生英语学习策略的具体方案;重视对学生元认知能力的培养;激发和维持学生英语学习的兴趣;改革评价方式,转变学生的学习目标定向和发挥朝鲜族学生的双语优势。

【Abstract】 For this study, I apply to theories of comparative education, educational psychology, psycholinguistics and researches on English learning strategies. Use methods like documental method, investigational method and comparative method to do the comparative study on the using of English leaning strategies of Han primary school students and Chinese Korean students. I did survey to the students of Grade Four, Grade Five and Grade Six. They are from five Korean schools and two Han schools. I000 questionnaires were given out in total, and 931 effective questionnaires were back.By comparing the results of the Han and the Chinese Korean students’ English leaning strategies, conclusions were drawn as below:1. The average level of Han students is 3.1437. The average level of Korean studentsis3.2184.2. There is nosignificant difference between Han and Chinese Korean students. Compared with Han students, Korean students have some advantages on English learning. Their level is higher on five strategies. Especially communicative strategies, they have significant difference, P<0.05. Han students are only better on memory strategy.3. Both Hanand Korean students have significant difference on genders. Girls are better than boys on all the six strategies.4. Nan students as well as Korean students have no significant difference on different grades.5. Students from different schools are not of the same level using English learning strategies. Some schools even differ significantly. Korean students studying in Nan schools have better strategies thanother students.Based on the comparative study, the thesis gives suggestions on how to improve the students’ English learning strategies.1. Set the targets of strategies training.2. Make a strategies training plan.3. Enhance the training of meta-cognitive ability. English learning strategies.4. Inspire the students’ interest on English learning. 5. Reform evaluation .methods, change the students’ view of study target tendency.6. Take the advantage of the Korean students’ bilingual background.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G623.31
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】264