

【作者】 于文萍

【导师】 姜龙范;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 专门史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 清朝建立后,为防止汉人北上,防止本民族“汉化”,致力于修补柳条边墙,是为老边。从康熙九年(1670年)开始,清朝为划清满蒙两个民族居住区域的界限,以减少由于蒙人游牧越境产生的摩擦和麻烦,又在“老边”外另筑了一道“新边”。清朝的封禁政策时紧时弛,并没有阻挡住各族人民的进入。在清朝封边的二百多年时间罩,山东、河北等各地人民不断地流入边外。在柳条边外、长白山北麓、松花江上游广大地区,山东流民韩宪宗于清末建立了以今吉林省桦甸市夹皮沟为采矿中心,桦树林子为经济中心,不受清政府管辖的权似政府的“韩边外”地区。韩家从1854年起到1934年,韩宪宗、韩绶文、韩登举、韩绣堂四代统治该地区共八十年。1894年,日本发动吞并朝鲜、侵略中国的甲午战争,越过鸭绿江,兵临辽南。清政府在良将缺乏、军队战斗力不强、军费短缺的情况下,采纳朝廷重臣贵铎招用吉林“韩边外”士勇抗敌的奏请,两次檄调韩边外抗日。韩登举自备粮饷、军械,率兵赴辽南,被编入“敌忾军”,参加了海城外围战,五次收复海城会战,回援辽阳防守等数百次战斗。韩登举的名字令日寇所惧。到1897年回师时,和韩登举一同出师抗日的7000余人仅剩16人。以韩登举为首的“韩边外”地区人民在甲午中日战争中为抗击日寇做出了巨大的贡献。中日甲午战争后至日俄战争前,俄国势力在远东和东北亚迅速膨胀时期,俄日矛盾尖锐。沙俄于1900年7月,于中东铁路沿线全面进犯中国东北地区。沙俄在侵入珲春、延吉后,朝俄两国签订秘密协议,共同密谋侵占“间岛”领土。危急时刻,韩登举被吉林将军长顺委任为吉林靖边强军统领,率民团赶赴舒兰法特哈门驻兵防守。此后,长顺在得知清廷意图后,令韩登举撤离法特哈门,并手执白旗迎俄军进入吉林城。在清政府和吉林将军长顺不战自退的形势下,韩登举率乡勇在蚂蚁岭阻击俄军,后以游击战术与俄军周旋,两次使俄军败退吉林省城。韩登举在赴辽南抗日后,为吉林“韩边外”的历史又加上了重彩的一笔。20世纪初,日本制造“间岛”问题,企图攫取更多的侵略权益。继而又将夹皮沟金矿划入“间岛”范围之内。1907年6月,东三省总督徐世昌派东北三省新军督练处监督吴禄贞前往延吉与日本交涉所谓“间岛”问题,在延吉兵力不足的情况下,吴禄贞带着结交的胡匪张作霖、汤玉麟、冯麟阁等人的介绍信,前往夹皮沟动员韩登举加入到反对日本帝国主义的斗争中去,以捍卫祖国的疆土。韩登举以国家利益为重,在吴禄贞的请求下,率兵3000随同吴禄贞前往延吉,做谈判后盾,弥补了清政府兵力的不足,为维护我国东疆主权做出了历史性贡献。在中国东北近代史上存在了八十年的“韩边外”,虽有镇压农民起义、窝匪、种植大烟、牺牲革命党人林趾仁以换取家族的稳定,以及后期的家风腐败等负面影响,但在东北近代史上所起的推动历史发展和促进社会进步的作用应是主流。其中第三代韩登举保家卫国的爱国义举,可谓是功昭日月。

【Abstract】 Qing government devote to mend Wicker Wall in order to guard against Han people’s going up north and prevent the transform of Manchu people to Han after its establishment, which is call ed Old Border. After 1670, Qing constructed a New Border in order to make a clear distinction between the two areas of Qing and Meng residents so that it can decrease the trouble of Meng people’s roving about as a nomad and crossing the borders. Qing’s banning policy was not tense all the time, so it didn’t prevent the coming of other nationalities. During those 200 years when Qing government sealed up the border, people from Shandong and Henan went out of the border. At the outside of Wicker Wall Border, northern part of Changbai Mountain and the upper part of Songhua River, Han Xianzhong from Sandong set up "Han Bianwai" area which took Jia Pigou in Huadian City Jilin Province as center of mining and birch woods as an economical center not governed by Qing government. From 1854 to 1934, the four generations of Han including Han Xianzhong, Han Shouwen, Han Dengju and Han Xiutang governed this area for 80 years totally.In 1984, Japan initiated the Sino-Japanese war to take over Korea and invade China, they crossed the Yalu River and the region to the south of the Liaohe River was under siege. At that time Qing government lacked excellent generals, the troops had low combat effectiveness and did not have enough military fees, so it transferred "Han Bianwai" to resist Japanese troops. Han Dengju provided foods and guns for themselves, took the troops to the south of the Liaohe River and took part in the Hal Cheng War, got several victories during the conquer of Japanese. The name of Han Dengju scared the Japanese invaders. In 1897, when Han Dengju came back, there only remained 16 people. The people in the area of"Han Bianwai" contributed a lot to fighting against Japanese invaders in the Sino-Japanese War.After the end of Sino-Japanese War and before Sino-Russian War, the influence of Russian boosted greatly in far east and northeastern Asia, thus there existed sharp contradiction between Japan and Russian. In July, 1900, Russian began to invade the northeastern part of China along the Middle East railway line.After Russian intruded into Hunchun and Yanji, Korea and Russian signed a secret consultation, trying to take illegal possession of "Jiandao". Han Dengju was named commander of Jingbian powerful force of Jilin by Jilin general Changshun and led his troops to Shulan. Later, when Changshun got the intention of Qing government, he commanded Han Dengju to retreat and surrendered to Russian. In this kind of condition, Han Dengju bravely blocked the Russian troops at Ant Mountain Ridge, later fought with the enemy with great tactical skills and flexibility, making the Russian troops retreat out of Jilin City twice, which decorated the history of "Han Bianwai" again.At the beginning of 20th century, Japan created a problem of "Jiandao", trying to seize more profits. Then they took Jiapi Gou golden mine into the area of Jiandao. In June, 1907, Xu shichang sent Wu Luzhen to Yanji to negotiate with Japan on the problem of Jiandao. For the weak force, Wu Luzhen took the recommendation of Zhang zhuolin, Tang Yulin and Feng Linge aroused Han Dengju to take part in the war against Japanese and defend the territory of our motherland. Taking the profits of the country first, Han Dengju took 3000 soldiers to Yanji with Wu Luzhen to be the backing of the negotiation, Which made up the lack Qing’ s force and made a historical contribution to safeguard the eastern border sovereignty of our country.Though"Han Bianwai" which has existed in modern northeastern Chinese History for 80 years has some negative influence like suppressing the revolt of farmers, giving shelters to bandits, planting opium sacrificing revolutionary Lin zhiren to get the stability of the whole clan and in later period the decadent of the family, it really did a lot to impel the development of history and served to spur the progress of the society which is the main points, in which the patriotic righteous deed of Han Dengju can be called an achievement outshine the sun and the moon.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】K256.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】96