

A Study of Organizer’s Security Obligations

【作者】 杜丹丹

【导师】 海棠;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 民商法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在《人身损害赔偿的司法解释》颁布实施以后,我国对注意义务的研究进入了一个新阶段,但对安全保障义务的研究还停留于对经营者的安全保障义务或对安全保障义务的整体研究上,对其他社会活动组织者的安全保障义务的研究还不够深入。本文认为,其他社会活动组织者的安全保障义务是指组织者在组织某种社会活动或者在社会活动中实施了某种先在行为时,如果可以合理预见自己的行为致使他人遭受损害,应该采取合理的措施保障他人的人身或财产安全。本文采用法解释学的方法、历史研究的方法、比较研究的方法、法经济学的方法等多种研究方法,从组织者安全保障义务的概念、性质入手,并从六个方面探究了安全保障义务的法理基础,并从多重视角对组织者安全保障义务的类型化以及违反组织者安全保障义务所应承担的责任问题进行了系统的、深入的研究。提出组织者的安全保障义务的注意义务性质,其归责原则为过错责任原则,并进一步厘清了组织者所应承担的侵权责任形态为单独责任与共同责任,并且在第三入侵权的情况下对组织者所应承担的补充赔偿责任采用经济分析的方法进行了论证。最后,对该侵权责任中存在争议的抗辩事由有选择的进行了分析。

【Abstract】 After the promulgation and implementation of Judicial Interpretation of Personal Damages, the research of China’s care of duty has entered a new stage. But the study of security obligations of China’s theorists also stays in the study of the operator’s security obligations or the research of the overall study of security obligations. There is not any in-depth study of other social activities of the organizers’ security obligations at all. This paper elaborates on that the organizers’ security obligations of other social activities is when the organizer organizes a social activities, or when the organizer implement certain former existing acts in social activities, if their actions can be reasonably expected that it would damage others, they should take reasonable measures to protect other personal or property interests from their actions damage.This paper adopts jurisprudential, historical research, comparative study, the method of legal economics and other various research methods; the paper also begins with the study of the concept and the nature of organizers’ security obligations; and expounds and proves the theoretical basis and the content of organizers’ security obligations, and the breach of obligations under the security responsibility. The author clearly defines the nature of duty of care in the organizers’ security obligations, and uses principles of liability for fault to justice whether the violation of organizers’ security obligations is established. Moreover, the organizers should bear legal liability for the tort form as separate responsibility and shared responsibility. And the author adopts the economic analysis to certificate the third person in the case of infringement organizers should bear the added liability. Finally, the hinder of organizers who violate security obligations assumed responsibility is analyzed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 04期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】241