

Research on Control Arithmetic and Implementation of CPT System Based on Embeded Technology

【作者】 方琳琳

【导师】 孙跃;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 非接触能量传输(Contactless Power Transfer,CPT)技术是一种新型的能量传输技术,克服了传统能量传输技术的诸多缺点,可带来巨大的经济和社会效益。目前,国内外的许多研究机构都在对其进行理论研究和应用技术的实践工作。本课题主要研究方向是如何控制CPT系统频率稳定地以最大功率传输能量。嵌入式技术是计算机技术、半导体技术、通信技术和微电子技术在实际应用系统中相结合的产物,是未来工业电子业一个重要的技术发展方向。嵌入式控制系统是嵌入式应用技术与控制技术的结合,在许多领域都有着极其广泛的应用前景和重大的应用价值。根据CPT系统控制需求,选择三星公司S3C2410芯片为核心搭建控制系统的硬件平台,并分析比较几种主流操作系统的优缺点,选择并构建了适合控制系统功能需求的嵌入式Linux操作系统,完成了软件平台的搭建工作。针对控制系统的实时性要求,从硬件和软件两方面着手,分析了控制系统的实时性要求,总结影响标准Linux实时性的主要因素,并提出采用RT_Linux技术对标准Linux进行实时性改进的方案。在分析了RT_Linux的实现原理基础上,研究了应用程序实时性的改进方法。针对CPT系统的控制器的设计问题,首先介绍了常规PID控制和智能PID控制的基本思想和方法,作为智能控制算法研究的理论基础;再次,将智能PID应用于CPT系统的实时控制技术问题中,完成了控制器的设计。通过Simulink仿真软件建立仿真模型,分别采用常规PID和智能PID进行了CPT系统控制器的仿真,并以仿真结果验证了所设计的智能PID控制算法的有效性。

【Abstract】 Contactless Power Transfer(CPT) is a novel power transfer technique, which overcomes many disadvantages of traditional power transfer technique and bring giant social benefits. At present, many research institutes are doing theory studying around the world. The main purpose of this paper is to estimate how to guide the CPT system transferring power at it’s largest power rate.Embeded technology is resulted from combination of computer technology, semi-conductor technology, communication technology and micro-electric technology, it will be an important direction in the future technology development. Embeded control system applies embedded technology and control technology, which will paly an important role in many engineering fieds.This paper is based on a foundation project from science council of Chongqing municipal government, which is to establish a software platform for CPT control system under a hardware platform based on S3C2410. After analyzing some traditional operating system, Embeded Linux is used.To meet the system’s real-time requirement, this paper analysis control system’s real-time requirments and then conclude the main factors which would influence the real-time characters of standard Linux. An improved way of adopting RT_Linux is proposed. Bused on analyzing RT_Linux’s principle, it’s kernel and replanting are studied.Aiming at the design of CPT system’s intelligent controller, traditional PID control and intelligent PID control are introduced as foundation of intelligent control method. Intelligent PID is used in CPT control to accomplish it’s controller.A simulating model is constructed under Simulink, system controller based on traditional PID control and intelligent PID control have been simulated respectively. The intelligent PID control algorithm has been validated by simulation result.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】99