

The Clairvoyance of Chinese Education Channel Development from CCTV-10

【作者】 刘竹筠

【导师】 贾雯鹤;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 传播学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 娱乐化、庸俗化是目前出现在电视领域的一种消费潮流与趋势。人们为了“娱乐”的快感,放弃了理性、严肃;因为庸俗的大行其道,“高雅”、“厚度”已经让位给“肤浅”与“单一化”。在娱乐与庸俗中,人们的审美标准面临异化,审美水平遭遇降低。而电视“娱乐化”、“庸俗化”形成的“场”正逐渐由“边缘”走向“核心”,在这种形式下如何塑造一种积极、健康的电视文化消费模式?这是我们必须面对的,也是大众媒介应该思考的问题。CCTV-10频道响应国家“科教兴国”方略,以提高国民素质为宗旨,以教科文题材为内容,横空出世。它坚守媒体本应承担的道德伦理责任,勇敢担负起教育民众与传承中华民族传统文化的社会功能;以精良的节目制作、富含知识含量的电视节目,并坚持“教育品格、科学品质、文化品位”的频道精神。在“娱乐化”、“庸俗化”的逆流里培养了一种积极、健康向上的电视文化消费模式,并以迅速、强大的趋势影响着整个中国电视行业的健康发展。然而,就是这样的一个在中国国内具有典型代表意义的科学教育频道,在对社会和行业都具有重大意义的同时,也不得不面临一些“困境”。收入不佳、绿色收视之梦、公共产品与商业电视的矛盾。这些都令CCTV-10尴尬不已。固然困难重重,但依然改变不了科学教育频道异军突起的“星火之势”。到目前为止,全国共有11家省级科学教育频道成立,并且在全国范围内形成了成立科学教育频道的热潮。一边是科学教育频道热,一边是普遍面临的尴尬困境。我们不禁要问,CCTV-10——中国最具代表型的科学教育频道尚如此,那么中国其他的科学教育频道会不会遭遇一样的困境?他们的出路又在什么地方?中国的科学教育频道的发展策略应该是什么样?本文以CCTV-10为经典案例,解读我国科学教育频道发展过程中的优势、劣势、竞争、机会,并通过目前电视传媒领域的现状,参照国外成熟科学教育频道的发展历程,对中国科学教育频道的发展提出可借鉴的方法与建议。

【Abstract】 The entertainment, vulgarized this is at present appears in the television domain one kind of expense tidal current and the tendency.In order to people“entertainment”the pleasant sensation, gave up the rationality seriously; Because vulgar big line of it said,“lofty”,“thickness”already yielded in“superficial”and“the simplification”.At entertainment and vulgar, people’s esthetic standard faces the disassimilation, the esthetic horizontal bitter experience reduces.But the television“the entertainment”,“the vulgarization”forms“the field”gradually by“the edge”the trend“the core”, how molds one kind positively under this form, the health TV culture expense pattern? This is we must face, also is the question which the mass media should ponder.The CCTV-10 channel should the country“the rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation”the plan, take improve the national quality as an objective, appears take the educational, scientific and cultural theme as the content.It perseveres the moral ethics responsibility which the media originally must undertake, shoulders bravely educates the populace with to inherit the Chinese nation traditional culture the social function; Manufactures by the excellent program, richly including the knowledge including the good television program, and persisted“education moral character, scientific quality, cultural personal status”channel spirit at.However, is such one domestic has the model in China to represent the significance the science education channel, while gives the society, gives the profession all to have great significance, also can not but face some“the difficult position”.Income not good, dream of, public product and commerical television the green reception of TV contradiction.These all make CCTV-10 awkwardly not already.CCTV-10----How does China most have a generation of phenotype the science education channel to be supposed to develop? How should China’s science education channel development develop?No doubt is beset with difficulties, but still could not change the science education channel sudden appearance of a new force“potential of the spark”.This article take CCTV-10 as the classical case, unscrambles in our country science education channel developing process the superiority, the inferiority, the competition, the opportunity, and through the present television media domain present situation, the reference overseas mature science education channel development course, to the Chinese science education channel development proposed may help the model method and the suggestion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G229.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】369