

Research on the Development of China Digital City

【作者】 李丽琴

【导师】 刘洪彪;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 行政管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 城市是现代产业和人口聚集的地区,是人类文明和社会进步的标志。城市实力代表着国家的实力,城市的发展影响甚至决定着国家发展的方向和质量。随着计算机科学和互连网技术的飞速发展,二十一世纪将是信息化、网络化、数字化、智能化的新世纪。世界范围的新技术革命和知识经济的浪潮,推动全球的电子信息技术的创新和发展,使社会和经济结构产生质的飞跃,并将对政治、经济、社会、文化、教育以及政府的管理、服务等各个方面产生深刻影响。近年来,随着我国城市化与城市建设的快速发展,城市问题日益紧迫,传统的以手工为主的管理方式已越来越不适应城市迅速发展的需要,开发与研究实施城市规划、管理和服务的数字化工程是现代城市管理的必然趋势。发展数字城市,既是加快城市化的内在要求,更是增强城市综合竞争力的必然选择。构建数字城市,将会改变人们传统的生产、生活方式,丰富人们物质文化生活,促进经济健康发展和社会的全面进步。本文以现代城市发展的新名词“数字城市”为研究对象,对其起源、内涵和历史发展及应用范围等各个方面进行了较为深入的阐述,旨在通过这一研究和探索对我国城市发展的理论和实践提供参考。首先,笔者从全球信息化的发展、中国信息化战略和传统城市管理模式的不适应性三个方面详细的说明了论文的选题背景,以此提出了论文的研究目的和意义。其次,从社会和城市发展的根本动因出发,全面地对数字城市的起源、发展以及基本概念等问题进行阐述,并提出了基于城市发展高度的数字城市综合性概念,以此匡正目前关于“数字城市”的若干片面认识。最后通过对比中外数字城市研究与建设的现状剖析了当前中国数字城市研究与建设所存在的诸多问题,并在此基础上提出了我国数字城市发展的主要目标、原则以及适合中国国情的数字城市发展具体建议和措施。本文的主要创新之处是在总结了许多专家学者关于数字城市定义的基础上,从城市管理和城市发展的社会学角度得出自己对于数字城市的理解,并结合发达国家数字城市的建设经验以及中国国情的实际,对现阶段如何建设我国的数字城市提出了自己的观点。

【Abstract】 City is where the modern industry and the population congregated, as well as a symbol of human civilization and society progress. The city strength represents the national strength, and the city management influences and even decides the direction and quality of urban development. Along with the rapid development of computer science and Internet technology, the 21st century will be a new era of informationalization, networking, digitization and intellectualization. The innovation and development of the electronic information technology is impelled by the new technological revolution and economical knowledge tide over the world, It not only leads to substantial leap of social and economic structure, but also has profound impact on the political, economy, society, culture, education, government management and service. Owing to the rapid development of urbanization and construction in the country, the problems of urban management are increasingly urgent in recent years, the management pattern that gives priority to the traditional handicraft industry is no longer be adapted to the demand of the municipal rapid development。Exploiting and researching on the city planning and management, as well as the project of digitized services are inevitable trends of modern cities. To develop digital city is the internal demand of quickening the Urbanization, and it is also a natural choice to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of city. Digital Cities will change the traditional means of production and living style to enrich the people’s material and cultural lives as well as promote the economic develop healthily and the society progress comprehensively.Taking the new term of modern urban development --" digital city" as the research object, this paper illuminates its origin, content , historical development and scope of application deeply. It aims to provide the reference to the urban development theory and practice in china. Firstly, three aspects of the background are explained, which includes global information, China information strategies and the inelastic traditional pattern of urban management, then the purpose and significance of the paper is proposed. Furthermore, based on fundamental causes of social and urban development, the origin, development and basic concept of digital city is extensively described, and a comprehensive concept of Digital City is brought forward subsequently, that rectify one-sided understanding about Digital City. Finally, comparing with the current situation in home and overseas, lots of issues about the construction of Digital City are analyzed. The primary goal, principles and specific development measures of China Digital City are established. Based on the understanding of various definitions from experts and scholars, this paper shows own perspectives of Digital City depends on sociological city management and urban development, moreover, the paper also gives advices on how to construct China Digital City bases on both foreign experiences and China national conditions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1915