

Water Conservation or Utilization of Water Resources Technical Measures and Index Research of Green Building in China

【作者】 赵福增

【导师】 张勤;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 市政工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 绿色建筑以可持续发展思想为指导,提倡水的循环利用与中水处理,使给排水系统的综合效率达到最优,从而降低能耗,做到无废无污染。这就要求建筑在开发过程中有自己的技术体系。在这些技术中,建筑节水及水资源利用方面的设计思路与节能、资源循环利用等理念息息相关。绿色建筑要实现节水及水资源的合理利用,给排水设计与建筑设计只有同步发展才可能达到建筑整体节能的理想效果。因此,提出我国绿色建筑节水及水资源利用技术措施就是为我国的绿色建筑的给排水设计、运行和管理提供依据。本文从绿色建筑原理及绿色建筑技术的要求出发,根据《绿色建筑技术导则》中的设计要点,提出如何针对当地自然条件和水资源总体规划制定合理的水资源规划方案,并对绿色建筑节水及水资源利用技术措施和指标分建筑中水回用技术、雨水利用技术、节水器具及设备和其他四个方面进行了研究。文中指出建筑中水回用技术是绿色建筑水资源可持续利用的一项重要工程技术措施。在设计绿色建筑中水工程时,分析了如何根据实际情况合理选择系统和水源,如何保证回用水的水质和水量,以及如何进行水量平衡系统设计和优化。强调选择工艺流程时把水质放在首位,在保证水质基础上再简化处理工艺,同时注意成熟技术和新技术的应用。提出了评价绿色建筑中水回用工程设计、运行和管理的节水率(C1)、废水回收利用率(Rr)、满负荷率(Rf)、水质达标率、吨制水成本(AC)和投入产出比(OIR)六项指标。雨水回用与补充水体是绿色建筑水资源利用的有效技术措施。认为雨水回用虽减少了雨水的排放,但并不能减少污水排放。对屋面雨水收集利用系统和屋面花园收集利用系统进行了研究。分析了补充水体的渗透地面、渗透管沟、渗水池和渗水盆地四种雨水渗透技术的优缺点。基于日降雨量资料,提出了绿色建筑屋面雨水利用系统的雨水利用率(RY)和节水率(C2)两项节水指标,并运用计算机java语言开发出计算软件。最后通过实例进行了检验和评价。绿色建筑采用节水器具及设备可以节约水费,经济利益是直接的,而节水本身意味着节能,意味着有效减少污染,保护生态环境。基于节水型生活用水器具的定义,介绍了节水龙头、节水便器和节水洗衣机等几种节水型生活用水器具。针对不同建筑类型,提出了住宅采用节水器具的节水率(C3)指标和其他建筑的节水设备采用率(RE)指标,并通过实例对指标应用进行了研究。绿色建筑要通过合理选择给水系统来科学的实现节水和节能。分析认为一些传统建筑供水方式在绿色建筑中合理运用同样可以满足标准。提倡绿色建筑的绿化用水、景观用水等采用非传统水源。强调了绿化环境的作用,并指出如何进行绿化才能做到节水和保护生态环境。认为绿化浇灌应采用喷灌技术,微灌和渗灌两种节水灌溉措施比喷灌更节水,更具有经济效益。指出了绿化在采用回用水时要防止堵塞和景观采用回用水时防止富营养。根据生态厕所的类型和技术特点,分析了它在绿色建筑中应用。

【Abstract】 Green building is guided by the sustainable development idea, advocates the recycling of water and reclaimed water treatment, and makes the integrated efficiency of water supply and drainage system to achieve optimization, thereby reducing energy consumption and achieving non-waste and non-pollution. It is required that building must have their own technical systems in the development process. In these technologies, design ideas of water conservation and utilization of water resources technologies in building are closely bound up with energy saving and resources recycle. In order to realize water conservation and reasonable utilization of water resources, the water supply and drainage design and architectural design must develop jointly, at the same time, it can realize the perfect effect of holistic energy saving in building. Therefore, putting forward the water conservation and utilization of water resources technology measures of green building will offer basis to the water supply and drainage design, construction and management of green building in china.Starting off the principle and technical requirement of green building, according to design outlines in technical guidance of green building, it puts forward how to frame reasonable water resources programming according as local natural condition and collectivity programming of water resources, investigates reclaimed water technology, rainwater utilization technology, water saving instrument or equipment and other technologies, and analyzes their indicators.It indicates that reclaimed water technology is an important engineering technology measure of sustainable utilization of water resources in green building. It analyses how to choose system and water-head with reason according to actuality, how to ensure water quality and quantity of reclaimed water, and how to design and optimize water balance system, when design the equipments and facilities of reclaimed water. It emphasizes putting water quality in primacy, predigesting treatment craft based on the water quality pledge, and paying attention to the application of mature technologies and new technologies. It brings forward six indicators including water saving rate (C1), rate of wastewater reuse (Rr), rate of full load (Rf), rate of water quality achievable standard, cost of a ton of reclaimed water (AC) and output-input ratio (OIR), which can be used to evaluate the design, operation and management of reclaimed water project in green building. Rainwater recycling and makeup water system are effective technology measures of water resources utilization in green building. It considers that rainwater recycling can reduce rainwater discharge, but not reduce wastewater discharge. It investigates roof rainwater collection and utilization system and roof garden system. Analyses the merit and disadvantage of four rainwater infiltration technologies including infiltration ground, infiltration pipe and channel, filter pool and filter basin. Based on the daily rainfall data, it puts forward two water saving indicators including rainwater availability ratio (RY) and water saving rate (C2) of roof rainwater collection and utilization system, and empolders calculation software by computer java language. Finally, two indicators are verified and evaluated by example.The application of water saving instrument or equipment in green building may save water, economic benefit is immediate, water saving presumes energy saving, pollution reducation, and environmental protection. Based on the definition of water saving instrument, it introduces several water saving instrument including water saving tip, water saving commode, water saving washer and so on. In allusion to different architecture style, it puts forward two indicators including water saving rate (C3) and water saving equipment adoptive rate (RE). And two indicators are analysed by example.Green building needs to scientifically realize water and energy saving via reasonably choosing water supply system. It considers that some conventional water supply in building will be satisfied with standard in green building by reasonable exertion. Advocates virescence water and landscape water make use of non- traditional water resources. Emphasizes the function of virescence environment, and indicates how to live up to saving water and protecting ecological environment by virescence. Considers virescence irrigation needs to adopt spray irrigation technology, micro-irrigation and filtration irrigation are more water conservation than spray irrigation, and have more economic benefit. Indicates virescence irrigation should avoid cramming and landscape engineering should avoid eutrophication, when they adopt recycling water. It analyses ecological lavatories application in green building on the basis of their style and technical characteristic.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】TV213.9;TU82
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】2729