

Research on Electric and Antioxygenic Properties of Camellia-Seed Oil Based Dielectric Liquid

【作者】 李勇

【导师】 李剑;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 电气工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 广泛应用于变压器、充油电缆、电容器等高压电力设备中的矿物绝缘油,具有良好的电气绝缘和冷却性能以及低廉的成本。但是,矿物绝缘油的闪点一般低于170℃,生物降解率只有30%左右,不能满足对绝缘材料高防火性能的要求,也无法达到环保绝缘材料的要求。植物绝缘油的闪点普遍高于300℃,满足难燃油的要求;生物降解率大于97%,即使发生泄漏也不会对水源、居住环境等造成污染。因此,研究高闪点、高生物降解率的环保型植物绝缘油成为国内外关注的热点课题。植物油用作绝缘材料的研究与矿物油是同期开始的,由于抗氧化性能差、凝点高等问题,植物油一直局限于作为电容器浸渍剂。自上世纪90年代以来,在利用基因技术研究高产、高品质植物油料作物取得突破和石油枯竭的新形势下,植物油作为液体绝缘介质的研究重新受到许多科学工作者的重视,它将可能成为矿物油的绿色替代品。本文在对国内外植物绝缘油研究现状总结分析的基础上,从植物油的精炼工艺的优化、山茶籽绝缘油的抗氧化性能和山茶籽绝缘油的电气性能等三个方面出发,研究了山茶籽绝缘油的基本性能及其用作绝缘油的优缺点,论文主要内容如下:(1)分析了植物油和矿物油在化学结构上的差异,研究了化学结构对植物油抗氧化性能和凝点的影响,提出了选择原料植物油的基本原则;在正交试验和己有的油脂精炼技术的基础上,优化了植物油精炼的工艺;测定了山茶籽油同其它几种绝缘油的基本理化性能指标,对比分析了它们的差异。(2)分析了电子结构对山茶籽油的稳定性的影响,探讨了山茶籽油的氧化机理;分析了抗氧化剂的作用机理,论述了试验用几种抗氧化剂的结构;采用压力差示扫描量热法测定了添加了不同抗氧化剂的植物绝缘油的起始氧化温度,测定了变压器油氧化安定性试验后酸值和沉淀物含量,对比分析了效果最好的添加剂。(3)分析了山茶籽油的主要电气性能,研究了影响山茶籽油电气性能的主要因素;按照标准测定了山茶籽绝缘油的电气性能指标,对比分析了山茶籽绝缘油和其它几种绝缘油的差异;研究了水分、温度等因素对山茶籽油主要电气性能的影响,分析了添加剂比例对山茶籽绝缘油电气性能的影响。

【Abstract】 Mineral insulating oil has extensive application in high voltage electric equipments such as transformer, oil-filled cable and capacitor; it has excellent electric insulating property, high coolant capability and low cost. However, flash point of mineral insulating oil is always lower than 170℃and its biodegradable percent is only about 30%.It can’t satisfy insulating material’s high fireproof request and it also can’t achieve the request of environmental protection. Flash point of vegetable insulating oil is higher than 300℃, it is a fire-resistant oil; its biodegradable percent is always larger than 97%, it will not pollute the water and inhabited area even though there is leakage. Therefore, research on the environment-friendly vegetable insulating oil with high flash point and high biodegradable percent has become a pop project.The research on using vegetable oil as dielectric liquid began at the same time as mineral oil. Because of its weak antioxygenic property and high freezing point, vegetable oil was restricted in capacitor impregnant. From 1990s, the output and quality of oil crops is improved by using gene techniques, and the reserves of mineral oil became decreased, the research of using vegetable oil as dielectric liquid have been developed again, vegetable oil could be the green substitute for mineral oil. In this paper, the domestic and overseas research situation of vegetable insulating oil was summarized and analyzed; from the three aspects of optimizing the refining process of vegetable insulating oil, antioxygenic property and electric property of camellia-seed insulating oil, basic property of camellia-seed insulating oil was researched, the advantage and disadvantage of camellia-seed oil for using as insulating oil was also researched, the primary content of my dissertation is shown below:(1)The difference of chemical structure between vegetable oil and mineral oil was dissertated and the impact of chemical structure on vegetable oil’s antioxygenic property and freezing point was researched. The basic principle to choose crude vegetable oil was brought forward. The refining process of vegetable oil based on orthogonal experiment and current refining technology of oil was optimized. The basic chemical and physical index of camellia-seed oil and several types of different insulating oil was measured and their difference was compared.(2)The compact of electronic structure on camellia-seed oil’s stability was dissertated and the oxidation mechanism of camellia-seed oil was discussed. The action mechanism of antioxidants was analyzed and the structure of several types of antioxidant was introduced. The inception oxidation temperature of vegetable insulating oil with different types of antioxidant was measured by pressure differential scanning calorimetry. The acid value and percent content of deposition of insulating oil after oxidation stability test was measured, the type of additive with best antioxygenic property to camellia-seed oil was chosen.(3)The primary electric property of camellia-seed oil was dissertated and the main factor which infects camellia-seed oil‘s electric property was researched. The electric property index of camellia-seed oil was tested by national standard and the difference between several types of insulating oil was compared. The impact of moisture and temperature on electric property of camellia-seed oil was researched and the impact of additive percent on electric property of camellia-seed insulating oil was analyzed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】TM214
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】249