

The Study on the Processing Method of Pulse Wave Signal and Clinical Experiments

【作者】 徐燕

【导师】 何为;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 电气工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近代,人们的物质生活变得越来粤丰厚,生活方式和饮食结构发生了越来越大的变化。同时,人类因各类疾病死亡率也越来越高。其中心脑血管类疾病严重地危害着人类的健康,是造成死亡的主要原因之一。高血压的致心脑血管病死亡率在各种疾病中高居首位,严重威胁着人类的生命健康,被称为“无形杀手”!近年来我国成年人发病率不断上升,达到了11.88%左右!我国目前高血压病患者已逾一亿。在高血压诊治方面,存在着“三高”——高发病率,高复发率,高致残率,“三低”——知晓率低,诊断率低,治疗率低。高血压病的严重并发症--高血压性心脏病、中风、心肌梗塞等更是极大地危害着人类。而我国高血压病人血压满意控制率不足5%!因此,专家指出高血压病的防治是防疗并重,防大于治!研究表明:在当前的心血管状态检测技术中,普遍存在有创和可操作性差的问题,同时高昂的费用限制了患者或潜在发病者的预防性检测和及时就诊。因此研发和实现一个血压和心血管状态的安全、准确、方便且经济的检测方法,成为防治心血管病的当务之急。本论文主要涉及以下六个方面的工作:①查阅相关理论基础资料,研究示波法原理、弹性腔模型、脉搏波理论。②研究血管硬度测量仪的硬件总体设计方案。③在脉搏波速度检测方面,介绍了脉搏波速度的理论研究公式,总结了目前常用的测量方法及其各自的优缺点,着重介绍了两点无创测量脉搏波速度的方法,结合示波法原理提出了一种新的测量脉搏波速度的方法——双袖带法,该方法能够简捷、快速,并且准确可靠地测量脉搏波速度。④在动脉顺应性检测方面,研究了其理论基础,在平面压力波法和压力振荡波分析法的基础上提出了压力曲线拟和法。临床结果证明了此测量方法的可靠性和有效性。⑤用LABView语言编写了软件系统,实现了计算机与单片机数据的实时通讯、数据信号的预处理、各心血管参数的分析计算、测试结果的保存打印等功能。⑥进行临床测试,用社会科学统计软件包(SPSS11.5)对测量结果进行分组对比分析,验证算法的有效性并改进之。

【Abstract】 Recently,the material life of people is getting richer more and more, the fashion of life and the structure of bite and sup has changed a lot. Simultaneously, the death ratio of kinds of diseases ascends greatly, among which heart and brain vascular disease is the main reason for people’s death and are endangering human’s health heavily. The death ratio of hypertension places first in all the heart and brain diseases, thus, hypertension is names as“immaterial killer”of human health!The incidence of hypertension in adult, which has reached about 11.88%, has been boosting in china recently. The number of hypertension has passed 100 million. There are many problems in Hypertension’s diagnosis and treatment, such as three highness problem—high incidence, high recrudesce rate and high lameness rate, three lowness—low discover rate, low diagnosis rate and low cure rate. Hypertension’s syndrome, such as heart disease for hypertension, apoplexy and miocardial infarction etc are endangering human heavily. The satisfying controlling rate of hypertension in our country is less than 5%! Therefore, experts indicate that we should attach greater importance to the prevention than the treatment of hypertension.However, all the current cardiovascular state monitoring technology is invasive and not easy to operate, and their high cost restrict potential suffers’in-time detection which can forecast the trend of cardiovascular diseases’occurance. Therefore, seeking one safe, accurate, convenient and economical monitoring algorithm has become one important task in urgent affairs.This paper mainly involved six aspects work as follows:①Study the oscillometric method, the Windkessel theory and the pulse wave’s transmission theory according to collected academic information,②Design the hardware project as a whole for the measurement instrument of vascular rigidity.③In the aspect of measuring pulse wave velocity, we summarized its normal noninvasive methods and their characteristics, on the base of which we propose a new method—double-cuff method, which has the advantages of simplicity, convenience and high speed. Clinical result indicates that the double-cuff method can measure pulse wave velocity accurately and reliably.④Before measuring arterial compliance, we studied its academic foundation and introduced its normal method-- plane pressure wave method and pressure oscillometric analysis method, on the base of which we proposed pressure curve imitation method and apply it to measure arterial compliance in clinical tests. Clinical result indicates that this method’s accuration and reliability.⑤We code the software system on the software plane LABView and has completed its real-time communication, pulse wave signal’s pre-treatment, the haemodynamics parameters’analyse and calculation, the results’saving and printing, etc.⑥Additionally, we have arranged clinical tests and analysed the data by group by the software Statistics Processing of Social Science (SPSS) to validate and improve the algorithm.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】R443
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】557