

【作者】 刘道军

【导师】 段渝;

【作者基本信息】 四川省社会科学院 , 专门史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 先秦文字,尤其对地下文物考古发掘,恢复历史原貌,无疑是最好的代言人,如今越来越受到历史学和古文字学界普遍应用。以“三重证据法”的结合方式,将中国古代史研究推进到一个崭新、全面、深层领域,它的重要意义远远要超过其专业本身。所谓“三重证据法”,就是运用文献、考古与古文字研究三方面相结合的的研究方法。巴蜀文字,就是巴蜀历史研究中的第三重证据。目前学术界对于巴蜀文字的研究,还远远不够。尤其是将其作为第三重证据的应用,相对于其它方面的研究,还薄弱得多。本文试图通过对巴蜀文字的总结和探讨,能揭示其特点、规律和真实的含义,以发挥其第三重证据的作用。这种“三重证据法”也必将成为巴蜀历史研究的新趋势。文献记载的古蜀五祖并不完全相同,有的形似,有的音近,因此,学者多以为讹传或笔误而不辨。窃以为不然,古人名姓多有特定的含义,只有对其姓名称谓辨析清楚,才能对其族属考释明白。因此,本文试图运用比较研究法、心理分析法和三重证据法,从考证蜀王的姓名称谓入手,以考辨其族属和事迹。本文首先对相关的古蜀文化研究和蜀文字研究进行了总结与回顾。其后分别对五代蜀王进行了论证。重点考证了第一代蜀王蚕丛的含义。认为古蜀先民得名于“蚕”,故曰“蚕丛”,与考古发现不符。应用三重证据法考证的结果显示其与“蟾蜍”有关。应是“蟾丛”,而不是“蚕丛”。同时认为文献中鱼凫、鱼易和鱼尾的分歧,并非简单的讹传,而是统一于“鱼妇”的传说,又与鱼复及弓鱼国统一于“金杖”,而金杖的含义却是“鱼服”。第六章从“望帝”称号入手,考证出杜宇被称为望帝的原因,蜀望帝杜宇与三星堆古城之间的关系,杜宇的文治武功以及他的改革与成就。最后对开明丛帝的姓名与族属重新作了诠释。揭开丛帝的身份之谜,也就清楚了它们之间的变化与及其行为和动机。所有这些变化和动机,无不与文献中的鱼复暗合。

【Abstract】 Character of former Qin period,for archeological excavations of underground cultural relics particularly and restoration of historical original feature, is the best spokesperson doubtless. be subjected to the widespread application of historic and ancient writing educational circles more and more now.Today,it is catholically applied by the academic circles of history and ancient character more and more.Research of Chinese ancient history is pushed forward a brand-new, overall, deep realm in combining with“triple evidence”. Its meaning is much more important than its profession oneself. So-called“triple evidence”,thay is to say to use ancient character research to verify ancient works research and archaeology research.Character of Bashu,is the third evidence to research the history of Bashu.Currently the research of Bashu character is not enough. Even it is serious shortage. Being the third evidence to use particularly, comparing with other researches,is much weaker.This thesis tries to detect its characteristics, regulation and its true meanings, after summarying and discussing Bashu characters.Be able to develop its function of the third evidence. The“triple evdence”will become new trend of Bashu history research necessarily.The kings of the ancient Shu are different in the different literatures on history. Because their pronunciation is nearly the same, scholars think they were for the mistake in writing. It is not true. Surnames of the ancients always have particular meaning more. We must analyze their names and titles clearly first, then we can understand where they are from. Therefore, this thesis begins with researching the names and titles of the ancient Shu kings by the research method in comparation, the mental-analyzing method and triple evidence.This thesis Summary and look back the research on the ancient Shu culture and the Bashu characters firt. Mainly research the meaning of Cancong that is the first king of ancient Shu. Books say that Cancong has a very close relationship with the silkworm, but it doesn’t agree with archeology detections.The triple evdence shows that it has relation with the totem toad adoration. Diffrent books,different names and titles. Some call it Yufu, or Yuyi or Yuwei. All names and titles are right, because they all have the inevitable contact. Not only they unify in the legend "鱼妇", but also Yufu ,Gongyu and they unify in the "Gold Stick". But the real meaning of the "Gold Stick" is "fish obey". Begin with the title of Duyu called Emperor Wang,and research why to call Duyu Emperor Wang,the relations between Emperor Wang and Sanxingdui ruins, and having something to do with his achievement and reformcuring.If we know the key to the real name and clans of Emperor Cong called Kaiming, we’ll know variety between them,behavior and motive.All varieties and motive match with鱼复completely.

【关键词】 巴蜀文字古蜀王蚕丛柏灌鱼凫杜宇鳖灵
【Key words】 Bashu CharacterKings of Ancient ShuCancongBoguanYufuDuyuBieling
  • 【分类号】K29
  • 【下载频次】409