

Study on Convention and Exhibition Economy Development of Nanchang City

【作者】 舒立峰

【导师】 赵立秋;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 产业经济学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化进程的加快,区域间的竞争越来越取决于以信息流、物质流、技术流为主体的流量经济的规模与流速,而会展经济正为这些要素的迅速聚集与疏散提供了作用的空间。20世纪90年代以来,我国会展经济如雨后春笋般蓬勃发展,不仅产生了可观的经济效益,而且从多方面带动和促进了城市或地区的整体经济发展。作为一种新的经济形态和服务业的特殊组成部分,会展经济因与其他产业的密切关联性和对相关行业发展的积极推动作用,受到各级政府的高度重视。近年来,南昌市政府审时度势,适时提出了发展会展经济的战略目标,并已付诸行动,取得了一定的成效,但毕竟处于起步阶段,南昌市会展经济的发展可谓任重而道远。该课题研究选择南昌市会展经济发展问题作为主要研究对象,以会展经济的一般理论为指导,立足于南昌市实际情况,深入分析了南昌市发展会展经济的战略意义,运用SWOT模型探讨了南昌市发展会展经济的条件和可行性,对南昌市经济增长、第三产业收入与会展经济之间的互动关系进行了实证研究,揭示了南昌市会展经济发展的现状特征和原因,并借鉴国内有关城市发展会展经济的成功经验,进而提出了南昌市会展经济持续快速健康发展的对策建议,以期对南昌市发展会展经济提供理论支持和实践参考。该课题共分六章来讨论南昌市会展经济发展问题。第一章介绍研究背景及意义、国内外研究现状、研究思路和方法以及特色和创新之处。第二章阐述会展经济的概念界定、会展经济的关键因素、产业关联体系及会展经济发展的相关理论基础。第三章探讨南昌市发展会展经济的战略意义,运用SWOT模型分析南昌市发展会展经济的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战,从而得出南昌市作为中小城市和不发达城市是否适合发展会展经济的结论。第四章具体分析南昌市会展经济的发展状况、存在的问题及原因。第五章以与南昌市有着许多共同点和可比性的郑州市和温州市会展经济为参考样本和借鉴对象,分析它们的成功经验及对南昌市的启示。第六章在深入探讨的基础上,尝试提出南昌市会展经济持续快速健康发展的对策建议。

【Abstract】 As the process of economic globalization is accelarating, competitions amongregions depend more and more on the scale and pace of flow economy the dominantsector of which is flow of information, flow of material, flow of technology.Coincidentally convention and exhibition economy, is where the the accumulation anddiffusion of the compositions mentioned before can play their roles, convention andexhibition economy mushrooned and developed greatly since 1990s, which has beenproducing remarkable economic results and also impeding the overall developmentof a city or a region. As a new form of economy and an important part of serviceindustry, convention and exhibition economy is given great importance by variouslevel of governments thanks to the strong connection between it and other industries,its positive effect on the development on relevant other industries. In recent years,government of NanChang city has implemented the the strategy of developingconvention and exhibition economy since the strategy was carried forward in terms ofthe situation and the circumstance. Now convention and exhibition economy ofNanChang has achieved to some extent. However, it’s still in the preliminary stage,so it’ll take great effort and much time to develop convention and exhibition economyof NanChang to full extent. The issue will focus on how to convention andexhibition economy of NanChang. Analysing the significance of exhibitioneconomy of NanChang, dicussing the feasibility and condition of convention andexhibition economy of NanChang by using SWOT model, making research into theinteraction between convention and exhibition economy of NanChang andeconomic growth, income of tertiary industry, the issue throws light on the presentsituation and cause of convention and exhibition economy of NanChang and comesup with new ways for the swift sustainable development of convention and exhibitioneconomy of NanChang through drawing upon the successful experience ofdevelopment of convention and exhibition economy in some domestic cities in thehope of extending theoretical and practical support to the convention and exhibitioneconomy of NanChang.The paper is divided into 6 chapters to discuss convention and exhibition economyof NanChang. Chapter 1 introduces the research background, significance,research results at home and abroad, research ideas methods, originality. Chapter 2throws light on the concept, critical factor of convention and exhibition economy, connection of industries, theories on how to develop convention and exhibitioneconomy. Chapter 3 discusses the significance of development of convention andexhibition economy of NanChang and analyses the advantages, disadvantages,opportunities and challenges., then draws a conclusion whether convention andexhibition economy is suitable in NanChang a small, less developed city. Chapter 4analyses the present situation, disadvantages and cause of convention and exhibitioneconomy of NanChang. Chapter 5 analyses the successful experience ofdevelopment of convention and exhibition economy in WenZhou ZhengZhou.Chapter 6 comes up with new ways for the swift sustainable development ofconvention and exhibition economy of NanChang on the basis of deep research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】F713.83
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】952