

A Linguistic Analysis of the English Marginal Prepositions

【作者】 李明

【导师】 石毓智;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以英语边缘介词为研究对象,对其语义特征与句法功能进行了综合分析,为其形成原因、机制以及动机做了合理解释。本文认为英语边缘介词与其他词类关系密切,是相关动词或形容词语法化的结果,其变化过程受认知因素影响。大多数英语边缘介词是分词介词,其发展过程如下:动词分词常引导分句,如无与之相呼应的主语时,就成为悬垂分词,后经重新分析,获得介词词类地位。其他少数与动词或形容词同形的边缘介词经过重新分析,也兼有了介词词性。英语边缘介词的形成过程体现了语法化的某些特征。重新分析和类推机制在这一变化过程中起了重要作用。本文同时从认知角度对这一过程进行阐释,以深入揭示英语边缘介词的形成原因和动机:时态标记-ing和-ed的非时间性使动词分词可能变成同样具有非时间性的介词,而语义相宜性及其在句中次要位置的频率最终决定某些词能够语法化为边缘介词。文章结合多种分析方法对英语边缘介词做了详尽描述与有力解释,弥补了国内对这一特殊词类的研究不足。本文对边缘介词的来源,发展变化过程以及变化背后的机制与动机进行深入阐释,有助于二语习得者全面掌握这类词的性质与功能,且有助于更深刻地理解人类语言发展变化的机制与动因。文章分为五个部分。首先总结归纳前人在这方面的研究成果,说明本文的理论基础。然后对英语边缘介词进行全面描述,将它与英语内部不同词类进行对比研究,讨论了其语义、句法和语用特征。其次进一步从跨语言角度将它与汉语对应词进行对比研究,深刻阐述了其功能与特征。本文主要目的在于合理解释英语边缘介词的形成与发展,因此最后两章将从语法化和认知两方面对其形成原因、机制及动机进行详尽调查。

【Abstract】 This thesis offers a comprehensive analysis of the semanticproperties and syntactic functions of the English marginal prepositions,and explains the cause, mechanisms and motivations involved in theirdevelopment. It argues that the English marginal prepositions have affinities withother word classes and can be seen as results of grammaticalization ofcertain verbs or adjectives. The syntactic category transfer has cognitivefoundation. Most English marginal prepositions are participleprepositions. Their developing process is as follows: the verb participle,which often leads the subordinate clause, has first become a danglingparticiple without a corresponding subject, and has then been reanalyzedas a marginal preposition. The few words with the same form of theoriginal verb or adjective also experience a reanalysis process withoutchange in form, and have obtained prepositionhood.The developing path of marginal preposition demonstrates somerelated properties of grammaticalization. The two mechanisms ofreanalysis and analogy play a crucial role in the evolution of the Englishmarginal prepositions. This thesis also explains thoroughly the emergenceof the English marginal prepositions from the cognitive approach: theatemporal property of the aspectual markers like -ing and -ed makes itpossible for a participle to become a preposition with an atemporal profile,while suitable semantic feature and frequency of usage in the secondaryposition in a sentence determine certain words can be grammaticalizedinto marginal prepositions.The present study tries to make up the inadequacy in the study ofthis special category from several approaches, to address the issue ofdescription and explanation of the English marginal prepositions. The thesis attempts to help the English learners fully master the properties andfunctions of this group of words and understand better the mechanismsand motivations of language change, by investigating the origination,development and motivations behind the development of the Englishmarginal prepositions.The thesis includes five chapters. Chapter One includes a literaturereview of the research on this topic, and the theoretical foundation of thisthesis. The next two chapters give a comprehensive description ofEnglish marginal preposition by a study of its relation to other wordclasses in English and Chinese preposition as well. The principal aim ofthis thesis is to give a reasonable explanation of the development ofEnglish marginal preposition, so the last two chapters investigate thecause, mechanisms and motivations of its formation from twoperspectives: grammaticalization and cognitive perspective.

  • 【分类号】H314
  • 【被引频次】2
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