

【作者】 乔湘平

【导师】 何一成;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 教学质量永远是学校关注的焦点,课堂教学是学校教育中最重要和最基本的活动形式。对于学生而言,课堂教学是学校生活的最基本的构成部分,它的质量直接影响学生当前和以后的素质的养成和发展;对于教师而言,课堂教学是其职业生命中最基本的构成部分,它的质量直接反映了教师对职业的热爱程度和专业水平,亦是教师的生命价值在职业上最直接的体现。研究和改进教学方法是提高教学质量的一个重要的环节,采用的教学方法是否得当、是否富有成效,直接影响着学生对知识及专业技能的掌握。教师的教学本身就是一种创新活动,需要教师在驾驭教材与课堂的同时,教师自如地运用教学艺术手段,启迪学生智慧的火花,使教学成为一种赏心悦目的艺术享受。本文围绕课堂教学实效性问题这一核心,遵循基本教学原则,在创新教学方式方法这一环节上,借鉴其它学习理论和学习心理学方法,探索增强有效性的现实途径,这些现实途径包括:处理课堂突发事件、漫画运用、幽默发挥以及心理效应等,从课堂教学的多角度、多层次分析和解决课堂教学中的实际问题。力求做到理论联系实际,实事求是,使德育课真正成为一门启迪智慧、净化心灵、塑造个性、完善人格、培养能力的课程。

【Abstract】 Teaching quality is always the focal point of a university. Classroom teaching is the most important and basic form in the school education. For students, classroom teaching, an elementary part of their school lives, directly affects their cultivation and development of students’ current and future quality. For teachers, classroom teaching is also the basic part of their teaching career, whose quality directly reflects their professional ethics and level of knowledge, as well as their value of life.The research and improvement of teaching methods is a key link to improve the teaching quality, which is suitable and effective or not, will directly affect students’ understanding of the knowledge and their technical skills. Teaching itself is an innovation, which needs the teachers well-known of the text and teaching method. Meanwhile, they should use the teaching method freely to enlighten the students, and make the class be an enjoyment of art. The thesis focuses on the effectiveness of teaching. It follows the basic principles and absorbs other theories and psychology knowledge on innovative teaching methods in order to explore a real way to strengthen the effectiveness. The way includes: dealing with eventuality in classes, using cartoon, humor and psychology to analyze the real issues in teaching. The author wants to try his best to make the moral education to be a real course to enlighten intelligence, purify spirits, shape personality, perfect characters and develop capacity.

  • 【分类号】G711
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】250