

【作者】 易丽佳

【导师】 刘丽杭;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 行政管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代西方国家开始尝试着以BOT模式吸引民间资本投资于基础设施建设,经过二十多年的发展,BOT民间投资不仅在西方发达国家取得了令人瞩目的成就,其影响更是波及到亚非拉等一些发展中国家。BOT民间投资之所以在西方国家取得巨大成功,主要原因之一就在于政府在其中给予自己一个正确的定位,扮演着一个恰当的角色。可见,政府在BOT民间投资中如何进行角色定位是一个关键性的问题。由于我国在运用BOT民间投资过程中因受传统观念的限制、政绩考核制度、行政垄断,功利主义等因素的影响导致政府角色定位出现了缺位和错位的问题,使得关于政府在BOT民间投资中如何正确定位的研究提上日程。BOT本质上是民间资本参与公共基础设施建设和运营的一种投资方式。随着我国民间资本实力的逐渐壮大,民间投资开始进入基础设施领域,缓解了基础设施的供求矛盾。虽然在市场准入、政策环境、融资等方面存在障碍,但是BOT民间投资促进经济发展的作用也越来越大。鉴于其重要性,本文提出了政府角色定位的目标取向为建设成一个“规制—服务型”政府,并指出政府通常在BOT民间投资中具体扮演的角色。这个“‘规制—服务型’政府”的提出有着深厚的理论和实践依据,本文凭借这些依据论证了其合理性。同时,文章还提出了政府在BOT民间投资中具体扮演的角色。美、日本、澳大利亚、英、法等发达国家的BOT民间投资实践中政府角色的正确定位以及由此形成的各具特色的角色模式,为我国政府角色正确定位提供了重要的经验借鉴,而支持者、特许权授予者、规制者和权益保护者等角色的提出则为其定位开辟了符合中国国情的路径选择。

【Abstract】 Western country began to try to attract the private investment by BOT for the infrastructure from 1980s. Through the development of 20 years, the private investment by BOT has not only gotten great achievement in developed countries, but also affected some developing ones in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The one of chief reasons about the great achievement was that the government went to the right place for itself and played a appropriate role in the private investment. So it was a key to how to go to government’s role. Because some factors, such as the limit of traditional concept, the system of assessing achievement in one’s post, the administrative monopolization, Benthamism and so on, which made the orientation for government’s role come forth the problems of absence and error, and the research about the government how to go to right place for itself entered in a calendar.Essentially, BOT was a invest mode that the private investment took part in the infrastructure’s building and operating. With the power increasing, the private capital entered into the infrastructure area, decreased the inconsistency of infrastructure’s supply and demand. Although it still existed some obstacles, for example, market admittance, the circumstance of policy and financing, the private investment had play an important role in economic development. According to the importance, the article brought forward the aim of orientation for government’s role which was building a regulation-ministrant government. It was proved its rationality by the deep foundation of theory and practice. At the same time, it brought forward the idiographic government’s role.The right orientation for government’s role which was. proved by the developed countries such as America, Japan, Australia, Britain, France and so on and formed characteristic mode of the role, supplied good experience for our country. The Supporter, conferrer of concessionary right, regulator and protector of the rights and interests were good choice on orientation for government’s role, and they accorded the situation of china.

【关键词】 BOT民间投资政府角色基础设施
【Key words】 BOTprivate investmentgovernment’s roleinfrastructure
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】F284
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】340