

Effects of Fine Particulate Matters on Air Quality in Natural Ventilation Buildings: Model Developments and Computer Simulations

【作者】 沈琳

【导师】 邓启红;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 制冷及低温工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文的研究对象是颗粒粒径在2.5um以下的微细颗粒物,因其容易渗透进入室内并在人体呼吸道内沉积,从而危害人体健康,因此本文结合我国空气污染现状,从微细颗粒物PM2.5的理化性质、来源、污染水平及其健康效应等颗粒物自身的特性出发,基于质量守恒理论建立了自然通风建筑室内的空气品质IAQ的通用模型,其适用范围由单房间室内环境扩展至多房间室内环境,用于预测微细颗粒污染物PM2.5对室内空气质量的影响。研究中分别从宏观(浓度与时间的关系)和微观(浓度与颗粒粒径的关系)两方面分析了室外PM2.5浓度对室内PM2.5粒度分布与浓度分布的影响、室内各房间之间PM2.5浓度互相影响的关系以及室内污染源(吸烟、煤燃烧)对室内PM2.5的贡献,重点考虑房间的通风换气次数对室内PM2.5浓度的影响。本文将多区域渗风气流模型COMIS model应用于模拟室内颗粒物的浓度分布,并以此验证文中建立的IAQ数学模型的可行性,结果表明COMIS可以用于模拟室内颗粒相污染物的传输,而且其浓度分布结果与数值计算值是吻合的。

【Abstract】 The main subject of this paper is the investigation on fine particulatematters—the aerodynamic diameter of which are less than 2.5μm. Thesekinds of PM are harmful for human health since their easy ingress anddepositing within the trachea. Began from the physical and chemiccharacteristics, origin and concentration of PM2.5, based on the principleof mass balance, the general model of indoor air quality(IAQ) within thenatural ventilation buildings, which adoptable not only for a single zonebut also for the multi-zone, was founded in this paper, and was used topredict IAQ that effected by the concentration of PM2.5.From two aspects of macroscopic(concentration vs. time) andmicrocosmic (concentration vs. diameter) respectively, the relationshipsbetween outdoor and indoor PM2.5 concentration, the interaction fromdifferent concentration from one zone to another and the contributionfrom indoor source (smoking, burning of coal, etc.) to the variety ofconcentration of PM2.5 were studies in this paper. During such studies theair exchange rate is considered to be a pivot. The COMIS model was usedin this paper in order to simulate the concentration varied from timewithin two rooms, and the same model was predicted by the IAQ model.Contrasted the results obtained from COMIS model and IAQ model, themethod developed by this paper was validated.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】TU834;X513
  • 【下载频次】388