

【作者】 杜艳秀

【导师】 吴湘滨;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 地质工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在总结研究济阳坳陷构造几何学、运动学特征的基础上,重塑了济阳坳陷的演化史。济阳坳陷第三系盆地是在基底北西向挤压构造层、北西向负反转半地堑的基础上发育起来的北东向断陷盆地。基底构造层形成后,首先受前侏罗挤压作用产生北西向逆冲构造,并且北西向正向构造带在早、中侏罗世遭受风化剥蚀。燕山期,逆冲断层发生负反转,形成中生界北西向半地堑。孔店组沉积时期为构造转型期,主要沉积沉降中心在惠民、东营两凹陷,而北部为零星小盆。沙四期以后为北东向半地堑,形成大量北东走向断裂体系,喜山末期,东营运动局部挤压作用产生正反转构造。晚第三纪进入整体坳陷阶段。因此,第三系具有压性、张性、张压复合作用形成的多种构造圈闭类型。正反转构造为第三系勘探提供了一种新的圈闭类型。张性伸展作用形成大量的坡坪式断层,其上方伴生的滚动背斜仍然是最重要的圈闭类型。北西向负反转地堑被第三系北东向断层切割后,使得下构造层和基底构造层能与新生界烃源岩直接接触,形成新生古储的潜山油藏,它们是增储上产的有利勘探目标。

【Abstract】 Based on study of structural geometry and kinetic features of Jiyangdepression, the paper reconstructed its evolutional history. Jiyang Tertiarysedimentary basin was a north-east extending down-faulted basin which wasdeveloped on a basement with north-west compressing structural layer andnorth-west striking negative reverse half-graben. The basement structural layerfirstly experienced compressing during pre-Jurassic and caused the forming ofthrust faulted belt. The north-west extending positive structural beltsexperienced weather and corrosion during early and middle Jurassic. Negative reverse action happened to the thrusted faulted belt during Yanshanian, andMesozoic north-west striking half-graben appeared. The sedimentary period ofKongdian Formation was a transform period and the main deposition centerand subsidence center was located in Huimin and Dongying sags while somesmall sags were scattered in the north part of Jiyang depression. Afterdeposition of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation (Es4) the structurepattern were featured by north-east spreading half-graben and resulted in manynorth-easting striking fault system. At the end of Himalayan period localcompressing of Dongying movement caused the forming of positive reversestructures. Jiyang depression experienced entirely downwarping movementduring late Tertiary. Therefore, there were many kinds of structural trapscontrolled by compressing movement, tensile movement and composite of theboth. The positive reverse structure provided a new kind of trap forexploration. Tensile extension movement caused many slop-plateau faults andassociated rollover anticlines were the most important trap type. Cutted bynorth-east striking Tertiary faults the lower structural layer and basement layerin north-west spreading negative reverse structure could connected withCenozoic oil resource, and forming buried hill reservoir with Cenozoicresource and Paleozoic reservoir bed. This kind of buried hill reservoir isprofitable targets to increase reserves and production.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】P548
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】339