

【作者】 刘新湘

【导师】 梁逸曾;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 分析化学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中药现代化是当代中药发展中的一个最热门的研究方向,已成为国内外医药界的一大研究热点。然而,中药是十分复杂的黑色分析体系,到目前为止,人们还远没有完全弄清楚中药的各种化学成分。在色谱分析中,由于受到实验时间、地点以及一些不可控实验因素的影响,还有在指纹图谱中部分色谱峰的重叠,都给中药材的色谱指纹图谱的化学组分的识别与鉴定带来困难。在第二章和第三章中,用水蒸气蒸馏法提取六种辛凉解表类中药(薄荷、柴胡、葛根、菊花、桑叶、牛蒡子)和七种辛温解表类中药(羌活、细辛、白芷、防风、苍耳子、柽柳、荆芥)的挥发油,经气相色谱质谱联用仪测定,采用G1701DA质谱工作站定性,第二章对重叠色谱峰藉直观推导式演进特征投影算法(HELP)进行解析,第三章在直观推导式演进特征投影算法的基础上,对没有选择性区域的组分采用子窗口因子分析法(SFA),直接得到目标组分的质谱信息,进而得到该组分的色谱信息。然后利用解析所得的纯光谱在NIST107质谱库进行相似检索,对各组份进行定性分析,利用峰面积归一法得到定量结果;最后将各味中药中各类物质进行归纳总结。克服了因色谱峰重叠造成的影响,不仅提高了定性、定量的准确性,而且扩大了鉴定范围;有利于对其化学成分在整体上的把握,为进一步分析奠定了基础。在色谱的定性分析中,部分化合物的质谱十分相似,质谱很难确定其结构。在第四章,计算解表类中药挥发油各化学成分的保留指数,通过与文献及自身保留指数之间对比,对化学成分分析辅助定性,鉴定出部分本来无法准确定性的组分,并验证已经定性的组分的准确性,使定性结果更加可靠。目前只将解表类各味中药挥发油整体作为其有效成分之一,而将其进行综合比较研究的尚不多见。在第五章,将解表类中药挥发油化学成分进行综合比较研究,具体的分析了挥发油中的有效成分及特征成分,发现解表类物质指纹图谱、化学成分差异较大,不能以某几种化合物作为此类中药的有效成分。但1R-α-蒎烯、(-)-β-蒎烯和右旋-柠檬烯、β-伞花烃、β-榄香烯有可能为解表类中药有效成分的一部分。

【Abstract】 The modernization of traditional Chinese medicines(TCMs) havebeen the most popular research of the contemporary development ofTCMs and in the field of the medicines at home and abroad. TCM is verycomplicated system, there are still many components can’t be identifiedclearly.During the chromatograph analysis,because of the uncontrollablefactors and the overlaps in the fingerprint make the identification of thecomponents more difficult. In chapter two and three, the components ofvolatile oils from six pungent in flavor and cool in nature TCMs(HerbaMenthae, Radix Bupleuri, Radix Puerariae, Flos Chrysanthemi, FolirmMori and Fructus Arctii)for relieving the exterior syndrome and sevenpungent in flavor and warm in nature TCMs(Rhizoma seu RadixNotopterygii, Herba Asari, Radix Angelicae Dahuricae, RadixLedebouriellae, Fructus Xanthii, Tamarix chinensis Lour, HerbaSchizonepetae)for relieving the exterior syndrome were mainly identifiedby GC/MS. In chapter two, the overlaps were analysed with the help ofheuristic evolving latent projections(HELP)resolution.In chapter three, thecomponents which don’t have selective area were identified by SFAwhich can obtain the mass spectrum(MS) directly and then thechromatogram. Finished the qualitative analysis by searching the purespectrums in the database NIST107 and quantitative analysis by areanormalization.During the qualitative analysis by chromatograph, it is difficult todetermine the structure by MS because some of them are similar to eachother. In chapter four, the gas chromatography(GC) retention index(RI) ofthe components were calculated and compared with each other. It is morereliable with the assistant of GC retention index.At present, few researches have focused on the comparative researchon chemical composition of volatile oils from TCMs for relieving theexterior syndromes, the volatile oils were only considered as the effectivecomposition as a whole. In chapter five, comparative study on chemicalcomponents in essential oils from TCMs for relieving the exteriorsyndromes was done and the effective and characteristic compositions concretely were analysed.The effective compositions were studied andthe fingerprints were found and the chemical components are differentmaybe resulting from the co-effective function of TCMs. So it is difficultto conclude that which are the common effective chemical components ofthis series of TCMs. But maybe 1R-a-Pinene, (-)-β-Pinene, D-Limonene,β-Cymene andβ-Elemen are parts of the effective components.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】R284
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】559