

Study on Ecological Water Requirement of Freshwater Wetland in Yellow River Delta Natural Conservation Area Based on SOBEK Model

【作者】 谷晓伟

【导师】 董增川; 连煜;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,由于黄河进入河口地区的水沙资源量减少、河道渠化、农业开发和城市化影响等原因,黄河河口生态系统尤其是作为黄河河口重要生态单元的河口淡水湿地出现了生态退化、面积萎缩、生物多样性衰减等严重生态失衡问题,威胁黄河三角洲生态系统的稳定和经济社会的可持续发展。因此,黄河河口水量供给和生态用水的基本保证成为维持和重建河口生态系统的关键。本文以黄河三角洲自然保护区内的淡水湿地为研究对象,围绕水量模拟和黄河水量分配为专题展开研究。首先,分析黄河干流利津至入海口段资料,在SOBEK模型中建立了一维水动力学模型。该模型以描述河道水流运动的Saint-Venant方程组为基础,按一维ADI法进行离散,用追赶法对离散形成的线性代数方程组进行求解,计算结果符合实际情况。然后,在解译的湿地DEM资料的基础上,在SOBEK模型中建立了二维水动力学模型,按照类似一维情况求解。根据历年遥感影像,以及多年来黄河水沙情况,确定恢复芦苇湿地的面积,制定相应的工程措施,最终在黄河水量与湿地内芦苇生长需求之间求得了较佳方案,湿地漫流结果基本符合黄河水量要求及芦苇生长条件。计算成果表明,SOBEK模型在黄河三角洲自然保护区內的生态需水量计算是可行的,为生态需水量研究探索了新的方法。本研究为河口湿地生态需水,保护河口生态系统,以及黄河水资源管理与调度提供技术支持,是维持黄河健康生命的关键问题之一。

【Abstract】 Recently, because of the reduction of water and sand resources coming into the Yellow River Delta, channellizing of riverway, developing of agriculture, citifying and so on, ecosystem in Yellow River estuary, especially freshwater wetland, appeared ecology degeneration, area shrinking, biologic diversity decreasing and serious ecology unbalance problems, which threaten ecosystem stabilization of Yellow River Delta, and sustainable development of economy society. So, supplying water and guaranteeing basic ecologic use is the key of sustaining and rebuilding estuary ecosystem.Make freshwater wetland in Yellow River Delta as study object, and make water quantity simulation and distribution as subject. Firstly, analyse the data from Yuwa. to sea, and set up one-dimension SOBEK model, which based on Saint-Venant equation, dispersed by ADI scheme, solved by matching pursuit method. And the result accords to the real situation. Then, based on DEM data of wetland, set up two-dimension SOBEK model, and solve it the same as one-dimension method. According to past years SPOT images, and water and sand quantity, confirm the area of reed wetland restoration, and make corresponding project measure. At last, make better projcet between water quantity of Yellow River and demand of reed growth, and overflow result accords to the both need.Results indicate that it’s feasible of calculating ecology water demands in Yellow River Delta by SOBEK model, and make a new method. The research supports for wetland ecology water demand, protecting estuary ecosystem, and water resources manage and attemper. This is one of the key problems about maintaining the healthy of Yellow River.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】X171.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】445