

Study on Simulation and Control of the Regional Flood Control System

【作者】 崔瑞红

【导师】 董增川;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在遍及全球的各种自然灾害中,洪涝灾害是发生频率最大、危害也最大的一种。人必须学会与洪水和平共处、和谐发展,在谋求社会经济发展的同时,尽量减少洪水所造成的灾害损失,遵循洪水的自然规律,尽力保持其在自然生态环境中所能发挥的洗涤净化地表与河流、补充地下水、维持湖沼及改良土壤等有益的作用。防洪减灾,需工程与非工程措施并举,硬软件环境相配合,建立有效的防汛指挥系统。本研究以淮河入江水道和入海水道为研究对象,讨论入江水道和入海水道水动力学洪水演进模拟及其控制运用问题。论文建立了其洪水演进模拟模型,模型采用常用的一维非恒定流水动力学模拟模型,用追赶法求解按Preissmann四点加权格式离散的Saint-Venant方程组所得的线性方程组。论文采用最优控制中的鲁棒H∞控制理论对防洪系统进行反馈控制。为便于解决问题,首先将圣维南方程组离散化和线性化,在此基础上用现代控制理论的概念建立了河道防洪模拟及控制系统的状态空间方程。论文运用鲁棒H∞控制方法对防洪控制系统进行了稳定性分析、权函数选取、增广矩阵计算及系统最优控制器的设计,求解鲁棒H∞反馈控制律实现对系统的反馈控制。以入海水道和入江水道为例,验证了控制系统的可行性。应用中,采用塔姆勒的纯时延模型考虑水流状态的时延。鲁棒H∞控制应用于河道防洪系统中是较前沿的课题,有不少人对此课题进行了研究,但目前尚没有工程应用实例。本文作了初步探讨,希望对以后的相关研究有所帮助。

【Abstract】 Among various disasters in the world, flood disaster happens in a high frequency and causes great damage to human society. So when seeking for the vigorous socio-economic development, flood should be coped with to minimize the losses caused by it, to make full use of the flood, i.e. cleaning the ground surface and rivers, supplying ground water, maintaining lakes and meliorate soil, etc.. All the approaches should be done through following the natural rules of flood. Therefore, flood control should consider both the project-related approaches and non-project measure, together with the hardware and the software development. Only by attaining so, can the efficient flood prevention commanding centre be realized.This dissertation discusses the simulation and control of flood in Rujiang River and Ruhai River based on the flood simulation models. Saint-venant equations describe the channel flow movement, and the solution of the nonlinear algebraic equations was obtained through discretization of Pressman weighted implicit four-point genre with the matching pursuit method.The dissertation reveals the application of robust H_∞control theory, one of the optimized control theories, to the flood control process to seek for an easier way to explain the application of robust control theory in resolving the flood control issue, the subject was demenstrated with the state space methodology which is followed by discretizing and linearzing the St.Venant Equation based on the flood simulation and control model. In order to apply the robust control theory into the river, system stability was analyzed, weight function and augmented matrix, as well as the design of optimized H_∞control devices, were selected and calculated. And then the feedback matrix can be obtained. The flood of Ruhai River and Rujiang River was taken as a case study to validate the model’s feasibility. Tamura’s model was also used to consider the time lag of water in the two rivers.The application of robust H_∞control theory to the flood prevention system is still immature without a precedent in real application after a great many of researcher’s hard work and hence requires further research. A primary exploration on the subject was made in this study, hoping it could be inspiring for the future research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】TV87
  • 【下载频次】129